Conquering The Game's World-Chapter 54: Shooting Range!

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Chapter 54: Shooting Range!

The next morning, when Luis woke up, he let out a disappointed sigh. "Maybe I expected too much."

Yes, he didn't find any trace of Alicia. Although he knew the possibility was very low. It didn't stop him from expecting more.

Shaking his head, Luis went to the bathroom and completed his morning rituals.

When he went down for breakfast. Luis found out that everyone had already left. The maid told him that Ronald went out because of some business, while Lumine and Alicia were on the training ground.

Since Luis had intended to go to the shooting range now. He didn't go to the training ground and left directly for the shooting range after having breakfast.

The shooting range is not far from the estate. So Luis just made a call and decided to run all the way there on his own.

Since upgrading to F rank. Luis' physique has improved a lot. So this short run couldn't even be considered a warm-up.

When he arrived at the shooting range. Luis saw a toned woman in military attire standing there, waiting for him.

"Hey, Shauna. It's been a while."

When Shauna heard Luis' greeting, she immediately walked up to him with a smile and greeted him back.

"Good morning Young Master. It's been a while since the young master has been here."

Luis could see that the happiness of meeting him and the admiration in her eyes weren't fake. But he knew the reason behind it. So he didn't think too much.

Suddenly Shauna showed an excited expression on her face as she said, "Young Master, all the sets are prepared in your private lounge."

Luis nodded and asked her to lead the way.


"Is this all?"

"Yes, Young Master."

In front of Luis, a model of all types of guns in their shooting range was laid out for him to use.

"Lily, I'll test all these guns one by one. Based on my physique and technique, record and analyze all the data."

{Yes, Master.} Lily's sweet childish voice came from his mana bracelet. There was a scanning function in the mana bracelet, so Lily didn't have any trouble and got to work.

Shauna was confused, but she didn't ask, nor did she care much. The only thing she was interested in was Luis's former words.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Shauna looked at Luis' figure enthusiastically.

Luis knew Shauna was crazy for guns. She also admires him, not for his status or his handsome face. But because of his amazing marksmanship.

So without caring about her anymore, Luis started picking up guns and started shooting and trying them out while Lily was busy analyzing.

From various types of handguns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, bolt action, sniper rifles, automatic firearms, and many others.

For the next few hours in that private shooting range. Only sounds of gunshots were heard.

Luis looked at the still and moving targets in the range of 20, 50, 100, and 500 meters. All of them only had holes in the center. All of his shots were bullseye.

Shauna was so excited that she was grinning ear to ear. While praising Luis' marksmanship on the sidelines.

"Lily, are you done?"

{The data has been recorded, Master. The analysis is being made, only the requirements need to be mentioned for further analysis and the results to come out.}

Luis nodded thoughtfully and said, "First, try designing samples based on your judgment. I will make the changes later."

Lily's hologram figure in his mana bracket nodded and disappeared in the next moment.

When Shauna saw that Luis was done doing whatever he was doing. She walked over and praised him heartily. "Young Master's Marksmanship has become even sharper."

Luis showed a faint smile and said, "Yeah, there's been some improvement." Then he inwardly continued, 'I got a Perception Skill.'

Shauna didn't think Luis' new skill would be the reason for such improvement. She just assumed young master Luis should have been working hard.

"By the way, young master." Seeing that, Luis was in the mood to talk. Shauna said. "Congratulations on your engagement."

"You already know?"

"Well, it's not a secret anymore. Everyone is talking about it."

By everyone, she meant all the workers in the Suarez Estate.

Luis nodded thoughtfully and wondered how widespread this news was by now.

"When will the engagement ceremony be, young master?"

Shauna asked, completely oblivious to Luis' thoughts.

Luis raised his head with a faint grin and said, "There's no rush. It has not been announced yet."

Shauna nodded her head and didn't probe further. She knew it might be disrespectful if she continued asking him.

"Well then Shauna, I'll go back."

"Be safe, young master."


After returning to the mansion, Luis immediately went to his laboratory in the basement and stated his requirements to Lily for the design of his Magic Gun.

"... You don't need to care about recoil and magazines. Try to make the size compact while also giving the best performance. For the gun's model, just try a virtual run with the requirements on all the models and try developing the design model based on them."

{Yes, master. Just leave it to me.}

Lily said confidently.

Luis nodded his head in affirmation of her abilities. But looking at her, he pondered for a moment and asked.

"By the way, Lily, why did you change your appearance?"

Lily's current holographic appearance was just like a little assistant researcher. Wearing a white researcher coat over her yellow dress and cute round glasses on her small chubby face.

A sweet smile appeared on her holographic protection. As she said.

{Sister Alicia told me to wear this when I am in the lab.}

"You guys sure have become close." Shaking his head, Luis didn't probe further. Because he could see Lily was really happy when she mentioned Alicia.

'Is this the difference between an AI who slowly develops emotions after inputting a lot of data and a human consciousness that has been turned into an AI?'

'Because if you ignore her abilities as an AI. Her current personality is extremely similar to a child of similar age to her appearance.'

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