Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 414: Planning Next Move

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Chapter 414: Planning Next Move

Chapter 414: Planning Next Move

It was the first time the talk of leaving the lower realm and going to the upper realm had ever been brought out to his hearings But Zeras wasn’t dumb. He knew well there was no way his parents could be from the lower realm and most probably come from the upper realms.

That automatically tied him to the upper realm. It was only due to an unknown factor that he was even here in the first place. That was why he knew well he would have to one day leave for the upper realm.

But could he simply make a blind choice and simply head over? No. Going there right now as he is Going like being a headless fly. If he wanted to move to the upper realm, then it had to be for a good reason, and the only reason he thought was worthy enough of him to leave was trying to find his origin. To find his true clan and his history.

And to do that. He needed important information. Information only a single person in the world could provide him.

Jason Celestria! The patriarch of the Celestria family…

“According to what I have learned. The patriarch of the Celestria Family if not dead is in one of the ships. But there’s no way the Giarans would choose to kill him.” Zeras mused to himself.

Knowing well who the aliens were, a galaxy rank expert could not just be killed. Besides, he was a world leader of the enemy group. Having such a person partake in the war that would unfold soon would be a blow to the enemy’s morale and make winning even easier.

That was why Zeras was 100% sure Jason was still alive. Besides, he knew well and understood a few things about Jason and that was his unkillable roach spirit.

He had always in one way or the other managed to survive all the time. It would be impossible if an invasion was what ended up killing him for good.

“I need to find Jason. And collect all of my answers from him. That golden necklace is what I truly need for him. That necklace holds all the secrets of my origin. Once I lay my hands on it, I’ll be prepared to leave for the upper realm.

But first I need to confirm whether Jason is still alive or not. And if he’s alive, just what ship is he currently on right now? Is he being securely guarded? If only there were 3 Galaxy rank Giarans guarding him then I should be able to escape with him. But if ten galaxy-rank Giarans are guarding him, then I’ll have no choice but to turn tail and run.” Zeras accessed.

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There was no need for him to delusion himself that he could easily run amok in the ships. He knew well a galaxy rank expert; he could fight easily and even play around. Beseeched by two galaxy ranks might be a little tricky, but he should still be no problem. Three Galaxy rank and Zeras knew he would have to go absolutely all out. 10 Galaxy rank and he knew well it was only a matter of time before he would be reduced to a pancake.

And according to what he heard from the old man. The Giarans galaxy rank experts reached up to fifty. He genuinely doubted the old man was even speaking the truth but it was better to be safe than sorry. He knew well he had no license to run wild in the spaceships and a single mishap might lead to death.

And that was even excluding those three Giarans that the old man mentioned were able to subdue even the Celestia family patriarch and the underworld family patriarch. The Universe-origin rank Giaran. That type of strength, if the old man wasn’t lying, was completely beyond his understanding and he didn’t know well how long he’d last in front of such an opponent nor the full capability of it.

He was in the enemy base and he knew well he needed to be very careful.

“Right now. I just need to confirm whether the Celestria Family patriarch has truly been captured and just what spaceship he is one of the five spaceships. I’ll plan my next set of moves after getting that down…” Zeras muttered to himself and immediately he moved out of the house.

He had been sleeping for five years straight and resting at all didn’t even cross his mind right now. He had a mission to complete. A critical mission with a deadline too.

And the failure of the mission had such distraught consequences that only the system alone knew well off… frёewebηovel.cѳm


“You failed at your responsibility. May the curse of Giara run through every inch of your veins!!!” The roar of rage boomed out of the dimly lit hall as a group of around 30 stood at the far end of the hall, heads bowed and looking at their feet, while at the middle of the hall was the single light that illuminated a figure who was on all fours, bowed completely on the ground.

The direction where the figure was bowed pointed to the large dais present in the room where three figures sat.

They were a total of two men and a woman, appearing to be at the age of around 40 while the lady seemed to be 30 instead.

They looked in all shapes like a Giaran, but what was different about them was the presence of 6 completely green eyes compared to the normal 4 eyes of the Giarans.

“Forgive me, commanders, Forgive me…” The tearful voice of the figure bowed on the floor rang out through the silence of the pressure-filled room.

If Zeras had been here, he would have immediately recognized the voice to be that of Evir.

“Ahhh, this is really sad, Evir…” The melancholic voice boomed out through the room coming from one of the three six-eyed Giarans.

“You have been one of the most beloved guardians of the mother ships. But a total of 1000 people died and 300 of your guards were killed too. And you couldn’t even apprehend the enemy. This crime alone is enough for an instant execution…”