Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 321: Brutal Battle Between Two Collosal Devils

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Chapter 321: Brutal Battle Between Two Collosal Devils

Chapter 321: Brutal Battle Between Two Collosal Devils


A horrifying shockwave rippled throughout the entire world as Demogorgon’s eyes widened in shock.


Immediately, he was sent smashing backwards like an artillery shell, his back tearing through the hundreds of skyscrapers behind him without a single stop.

Zeras hand holding the Astral sword kept Shaking uncontrollably as his legs dug massive gorges onto the land.



The space behind Zeras exploded like a shard of glasses as he slammed two of his hands behind him, successfully stopping his backward motion, and in the next split second…


His body already tore through the air with speed, chasing after Demogorgon’s figure.

With the eyes of Chaos, he could already see Demogorgon about 100 meters away who was currently laid against a skyscraper and immediately Zera’s raised the golden trident in his hands which flared with an even brighter golden light.


A golden beam of light pierced forth with speed like a shooting star as it immediately disappeared from Zera’s view souring outwards with a speed faster than Zera’s who was currently moving at a mind-numbing Mach five speeds.


His back smashed on the gigantic building, tilting the entire structure backwards as a groan of pain escaped Demogorgon’s maw which was soon replaced by unbelieve and then anger, and immediately he burst out through the where he fell in, the entire skyscraper disintegrating from the sudden outburst, only for him to be met by a flaming object heading his way as it appeared instantly In front of his chest before he could even cleave his scythe forward…


The sound of a metallic Collision rang out as the trident was paused on its step by two pairs of wings which wrapped tightly against Demogorgon’s body and prevented the trident from digging into his chest, but that was only for a moment as Zeras appeared In from of him.

Clenching his right hand into a fist that sucked the entire air and energy around the place. His golden scaled hand flared with a horrifying amount of golden light as Zeras punched outwards with apocalyptic power, slamming hard against the butt of the trident. freewēbnoveℓ.com


It was like the wings didn’t even exist as the trident immediately pierced forth, tearing through the protection of the wings as they dug into Demogorgon’s chest, whose eyes widened to their peak.

“DIIIIIIIEEEEE” Holding on to the end of the trident to prevent Demogorgon from moving, the Astral blade cleaves off towards Demogorgon’s neck, undoubtedly severing it into two in the next second, but this time, Zeras was given a good shock.


The wings covering Demogorgon’s body were suddenly slashed apart as Demogorgon slashed out his scythe towards the Astral blade, ripping apart his wing that was on his way.


Stopping the Astral blade on its track, there was a split second laps and that was all Demogorgon needed as he tapped his foot on the ground and shot backwards, tearing himself out of the trident lodging into his stomach.

Immediately he slammed his leg on the ground and in a blinking Zeras raised his up as he looked at Demogorgon who was flying fifty meters above his head.

Demogorgon looked at Zeras in shock, his chest heaving up and down due to the closeness he felt to death, when suddenly he felt something hot draining down his neck as he touched the smooth line on his neck and swiped, seeing the dark blood on his hands.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

On Demogorgon’s neck was an incredibly smooth line, digging in for three centimeters as blood slowly slipped out, but immediately all his wounds closed up in the next second, including the massive one at his chest.

“You run pretty fast for a Devil Lord…” Khan said mockingly looking up at Demogorgon who was floating in the sky as he placed the trident on his shoulder looking upwards with a smirk.

“You…you almost killed me.” Demogorgon asked, unbelievably, as the black blood on his hands slowly disappeared.

“What? Sad I didn’t?” Zeras asked, when suddenly he noticed the shocked expression on Demogorgon’s face disappeared, and he watched as he rose higher and higher into the air.

“I bent you can’t fly right and even if you jump you can’t reach me. Hehehhehe, You’re doomed!” Demogorgon said with a devilish smirk as Zera’s face dropped.

“You want to fight dirty. I think that’s unfitting for a Devil Lord, isn’t it?” He asked with a thoughtful expression, earning a snicker from Demogorgon.

“The word unfair doesn’t exist in a devil lord’s dictionary…” He said, and immediately he rose.up.his Scythe as it suddenly flared out with a mighty red lightning, which continued increasing with every passing second.

“This slash will end this meaningless game…” Demogorgon said with a sinister smile that made Zera’s eyebrows raise in concern.

He truly could sense from the might erupting from the weapon, it was already at the Early Cosmic rank stage energy, and soon it reached the Middle Meteor Rank Stage, but it wasn’t stopping there.

If it continued increasing then Zeras was sure he would truly be dying to the slashe or end gravely injured to no longer be able to fight.

“You’re right about me not being able to fly! But that was ten minutes ago…” Zeras said with a smile when suddenly he fell on all fours as Demogorgon’s eyes narrowed before widening to saucers.

Immediately, Zera’s back suddenly began wriggling as if something were about to come and out and right then…




Two wings tore out of his back too, the same in all respect as that of Demogorgon.

And immediately he stood back up, bending his waist to the ground…

“This…This is impossible. Who are you!!?” Demogorgon asked in shock, but all he got was a smirk.


The ground beneath Zera’s feet immediately caved in as he soared with speed towards Demogorgon but mid-way he suddenly raised his hands, and he pointed to Demogorgon.

“Ancient God Finger…”


A blinding golden light immediately flared through world appearing right at the top of Demorgon’s head.