Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 420 - 155: Titan Mechanical Worm_4

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Chapter 420: Chapter 155: Titan Mechanical Worm_4

Translator: 549690339

Leonard Churchill glanced at them and then beckoned Seven Brown to leave. ƒree𝑤ebnσ

After watching the two exhausted individuals leave, Kelson and the others finally let out a sigh of relief.

Leonard and Seven descended, making their way to the second floor, where the rabbit monster had previously concealed itself.

Using the password they obtained earlier, they unlocked the Mechanical Secret Box.

The contents of the box went along with Leonard’s conjecture.

Inside was a vial of green potion.

The Enlightenment Display identified it as a Titan Distortion Inhibitor.

The effect is to suppress the runaway state of a specified Extraordinary Trait.

In other words, it’s a strategy to indirectly weaken the “Undying Feature”.

Obviously, this is a prop specifically designed for the final BOSS fight.

This is what the Alternate Dimension gives to ordinary adventurers after they discover hidden plots, to increase the probability of monster-slaying.

But Leonard already had Feast, so he didn’t need it.

There were also a few documents.

One of them mentioned a research project about a “Mechanical Gorilla” on the third floor of the research institute, warning adventurers to be careful.

Another detailed record of the pollution leakage process.

Though he had guessed as much, Leonard carefully read through the minute details in those plans.

Meanwhile, Seven seemed more interested in the blueprints.

She picked out a few blueprints from the stack of documents, each depicting various intricate mechanical parts. After glancing at them, she exclaimed, “Leonard, look! This is the technology related to the Mechanical Prosthesis!” Leonard glanced over and was not surprised.

Since a Mechanical Gorilla had appeared, it was only normal that blueprints would be found.

That being said, a “Mechanical Prosthesis”…

Now, that was some high-end stuff.

The Federation’s current mechanical technology is all external, like mechanical exoskeletons, battle armor, etc.

They’re all traditional mechanical equipment that has little to do with the human body.

But a Mechanical Prothesis can directly replace a part of a biological body with mechanical components.

That’s straight-up cutting-edge technology.

Like that 95% mechanically modified gorilla they encountered before. It replaced flesh and blood with alloy, perfectly circumventing the weakness of the flesh.

Its combat power was visibly potent.

Moreover, machinery can be mass-produced.

One gorilla was already so formidable; can you imagine the terror of ten thousand Mechanical Gorillas?

As for their value…

In the right hands, these blueprints are priceless.

Leonard never doubted the potential of machinery, and seeing Seven’s excitement, he also smiled and said, “Yes, these are great.”

Seven glanced at the thickness of the documents and seemed somewhat disappointed, muttering, “Ah… it’s a shame, it seems to be only a part of the theoretical technology.”

The knowledge base required for the direction of Mechanical Prosthesis is massive.

Even a library wouldn’t be able to contain all the required documents, let alone these files here.

Leonard wasn’t too surprised and consoled her, “That’s normal. Pay more attention to similar spaces in the future. You might be able to get a lot more.” Such technology, capable of changing the era’s status quo, was rewarded by the Alternate Dimension as a concept, not as a completed product.

Seven nodded, still gazing at the blueprint. She asked, “Leonard, what should we do now?”

Leonard replied, “Wait.”

Seven blinked, “Wait for the gorilla to be killed?”

Leonard nodded, then added, “Mm-hmm. And wait for those tendrils to come up.”

There’s no rush to kill monsters.

That Titan Mechanical Worm was a rare pure energy creature.

The intrinsic Extraordinary Traits it possessed were more than enough to overflow the attributes of Leonard’s body to the surfeit level required for advancement to the Second Tier.

That’s also his most important goal in coming to the Alternate Dimension this time round.


Realization dawned in Seven’s eyes, and she seemed to understand something.

While they were killing the creatures on the first floor, she noticed that Leonard seemed to have some secret skill that allowed him to absorb the monsters’ Undying Feature.

Even though she was curious, she never asked.

The two of them then sat in the room, each reading through the documents in their hands.

If that pollution source can contaminate the whole research institute, it would certainly not just stay in the laboratory.

Besides, Leonard had purposely left the monster’s exit door open, facilitating the tendrils to spread throughout the research institute.

Half an hour later, a rustling sound could be heard in the corridor.

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

Leonard’s ears pricked up slightly, and he quietly said, “The monster is here.”

Upon hearing it, Seven also immediately switched to combat mode.

Leonard specifically came for its Extraordinary Traits, so instead of hiding in the room, they stood near the good combat positions they’d already picked out. One could advance or retreat freely here.

Without waiting for long, black tendrils that grew wildly like vines shot out from the passageway.

They seemed capable of precisely locking onto living creatures’ positions and charged straight for Leonard and Seven.

Some tendrils also spread along other passages, extending towards the first floor of the research institute, presumably going for the remaining survivors.

“Being too far from the main body really slows it down a lot…”

Looking at the speed at which the tendrils moved, Leonard felt more reassured.

These tendrils were all extending from that mutated Titan Mechanical Heart. Given that the body couldn’t move, it was within expectations that their speed and power deteriorated with distance.

However, they still posed quite a threat.

Seeing the surge of incoming tendrils, Seven quickly ducked behind the previously set up Machine Gun Bunker.

With a pull of the trigger.


Bullets rained down like an onslaught.

Leonard also found a gap in the web of bullets and dashed through.

The tendrils were physical entities condensed from energy. Under normal circumstances, if they suffered this kind of physical damage, they would recover instantly, like a column of water that had been severed.