Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1858 Abyssal Pearl Seed Oil
?Date- 17 April 2321
Time- 13:16
Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Cave Dungeon, Seed World
There was a reason why Park was able to retain loyal subordinates who were loyal to her even after almost a millennium since she died, that too in the dark realm of all places. It was because she was an honorable and just leader unlike many in the dark realm.
Even during her death, Park was more saddened over her dead comrades and those she was leaving behind to fend for themselves than not being able to achieve her revenge, and even after her rebirth she prioritized her subordinates over her revenge.
Among those allied with Park, many knew that she was no match for Belphegor who was not only a demon merchant but also had a demon merchant faction backing him. Yet they still chose to stay with Park and help her with her revenge.
These people did not gather out of ambition but out of gratitude toward Park. They were willing to give up everything including their lives just to help Park achieve her goals. Even if her goal was the pursuit of vengeance and ultimately her demise.
The war against Belphegor was something Park had to do to avenge her father's soul. It was her duty as a daughter. So, unable to persuade Park they willingly chose to walk with her till the end of the road.
These people were with Park not because she was a means to their desire or ambition or greed but because they wanted to be her means to her desire, ambition, happiness, etc, which was why they did not hesitate to reassemble almost a millennium later when Park called for them.
They were not like the hired goons serving under Belphegor and his faction, they were Park's family. Even though the world saw them as her subordinates and allies they like to believe themselves to be the family she was seeking until her final movements. From Park's actions, it was clear that she also considered them her family.
"Now that we have decided to run a fast food chain in the dark realm together, let's decide on the menu as I will need it to create the machines," Wyatt had already begun to think of the kitchen appliances that a typical fast food joint would require. To finalize what appliances he would need to create, he asked Park what kind of fast food chain she was planning on running.
"Monster Meat fried in abyssal pearl seed oil," Park replied immediately.
"I have never been to the dark realm but I do not think Fried Monster Meat is popular among many dark races, how sure are you about this?" Wyatt asked in doubt.
"No, you're focusing on the wrong part. I am not talking about normal frying. Haven't you heard of abyssal pearl seed oil?" Park shook her head vigorously seeing Wyatt mistaking her brilliant idea for cheap fried food.
"I have heard of abyssal pearls but I haven't heard of them being used to create oils besides they are pearls, not seeds," Wyatt had no idea of the day-to-day life in the dark realm so he did not know what kind of oil they preferred for cooking.
"It is a cooking oil extracted from the seed of Dawn Bell flower grown using the soil created by crushing abyssal pearls into a powder," Park explained only to see Wyatt frown and sternly add, "I thought we were planning to run a fast food chain, not some fancy restaurant, abyssal pearls are very expensive and Dawn Bell flowers only produce three seeds max in their entire lifetime. Oil created from the combination of the two would not only be limited and expensive but a luxury product, not something seen in the kitchen of a fast food joint."
"Here's where I will need your expertise to shine again," Park said with a flattering smile. Causing Wyatt's frown to grow narrower, "Out, with it already."
"I need you to create a way for us to supply this oil in our kitchen at a cheaper price. I am telling you if we use this oil to make and sell fried monster meat, our fast food chain will be an instant hit," Park requested.
"What happened to you not wanting me to invent something sensational as you did not want the unnecessary attention of the predators?" Wyatt shook his head thinking, 'I should have known better. Trying to run a successful fast-food chain in the dark realm would not be as easy as Park made it seem.'
"Don't worry something like this does not attract the predators I should be worried about," Park replied shamelessly.
"Won't they know by tasting the fried monster meat that we are using abyssal pearl seed oil to fry the meat and doubt how we can sell the product at such a cheap price despite our expensive ingredients?" Wyatt truly could not figure out what Park was thinking suggesting something like this to him. He believed Park was not telling him everything.
"No, because most of them would never have tasted the monster meat fried in abyssal pearl seed oil. As this oil is only used in elixirs. Even I was only able to discover this accidentally in my past life when I tried to create an elixir while eating," Park revealed why she was so confident that using abyssal pearl seed oil in their fast food chain would not attract unwanted attention.
Abyssal pearl seed oil was very expensive, even a few milliliters of it was worth a fortune. Therefore, its use was limited to being an ingredient used to create high-level beauty and fragrance elixirs that had very high demand and could easily fetch a fortune in the market at any day or time.
"Now that's interesting," Wyatt was intrigued, he wanted to hear Park's story but she did not plan on revealing any more. He understood as he too would not be so forthcoming about how he invented the silver milk powder on Earth.
"I had planned to use this to open a fast food joint in the dark realm long ago, however, I was never able to come across a cheaper version of abyssal pearl seed oil. But now that I have you I have a feeling that my plan will be fulfilled this time around," Park explained that she did not happen upon the idea to open a fast food chain, she has been planning for it since her past life. No wonder she was so prepared about this topic.
"It has been several centuries since your passing. Are you sure the situation is the same as back then?" Wyatt warned Park, knowing that certainty has been demiss of many.
"Don't worry, I've done all the necessary checks and research before approaching you about this and so far I have not seen anything that could be a potential concern," Park assured Wyatt.
"Fine, let me think about it," Wyatt did not agree with Park as he wanted to conduct his research on abyssal pearl seed oil, its market presence, and demand. After all, he did not believe that a restaurant using expensive ingredients such as abyssal pearl would go unnoticed in the dark realm. Also, he had to check if the monster meat fried in the abyssal pearl seed oil was as good as Park made it sound.
"So, when can I hope to expect an answer from you?" Park knew Wyatt was a busy man but so was she. If she planned to reassemble her old forces before Belphegor and his dark faction invaded the card world then she had very little time on her hands.
"Tonight," Wyatt answered, after assigning Hive AI to scour the inter-realm network to find all the current information on the abyssal pearl seed oil.
"Good, I will meet you tonight. Please, help me exit your subspace?" Park asked Wyatt's help to leave the seed world politely.
Wyatt exited the seed world with Park, as with Susan handing the ingredients he needed to help Bloodette's predicament, he could now get to awakening her from her coma.
Looking at comatose Bloodette, Park asked Wyatt, "How sure are you that you will be able to awaken her from the coma?"
"I cannot tell anything for certain but if I did not feel like I could help her then I wouldn't do this," Wyatt replied without being humble or arrogant.
"I trust you can awaken her," Park meant those words, she truly believed that if there was someone in the world who could help Bloodette then it was Wyatt.
"Thanks for your vote of confidence," Wyatt said exiting the dungeon seal with Park. As Park headed to meet little Baem, he waited for her to leave the basement and looked at the ceiling only to hear the Field Marshal's voice in his head, "Boy, if it is about the townspeople, it's too early for me to get any updates."
"Thank you for remembering my request but I am here to ask you another favor. Please, watch over Corey as she confronts the sinister snake. Help her, if she needs it," Wyatt requested the Field Marshal.
"Corey is a citizen of the Southern Region, I will help her without you asking. But correct me if I am wrong, I thought that snake was her familiar or something," the Field Marshal was puzzled as to why Corey would need protection from her own familiar.
"It's complicated," Wyatt sighed thinking about the complicated relationship between little Baem, Corey, and Park. He wondered whom little Baem would prefer, Corey or Park. If the Park was the real Corey Park and not a remnant, a memory of the real Corey Park, the answer would have been obvious. Shaking his head Wyatt rushed back into the dungeon seal.