Burning Love Cute Husband and His Little Wife-Chapter 377

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377 The Right to Kiss My Wife

All the rest of the information on the page was about the Global Group, without a word on Josephโ€™s personal information.

Isabella typed in Charlie Wilson.

And she immediately found a page introducing Charlie in detail. ๐™›๐ซe๐šŽwโ„ฏ๐—ฏ๐’๐—ผัต๐™šl.๐’„o๐š–

The page started with stories about how Charlie started to do business in various fields after the new state was founded, how he earned money, how he created value, and how he became a successful man. Isabella was impressed. Then, she went to the part of Charlieโ€™s personal information.

โ€œThe family members of Charlie Wilson: Wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.

The eldest son, Harvey Wilson, deceased.

The second eldest son, Michael Wilson, was the executive president of the overseas branch of the Wilson Consortium.

Daughter: Fiona Wilson, deceased.โ€

Isabella gaped in shock.


She had never thought about investigating the Wilson family. Because she always thought the Wilson family was different from most rich and powerful families. The Wilsons didnโ€™t put on the air or make her feel nervous. Although Joseph had a temper, he was not the overbearing type that would bully or insult the weak. He was simply bossy and masculine.

As for Charlie, he was affable, without the arrogance that a consortium founder usually would have.

Isabella googled the old man because she wanted to know about Joseph. She was surprised to find that two of Charlieโ€™s three children were dead.

Joseph had just turned 30. If Josephโ€™s father were alive, he would have been 50 to 60 years old. He died at such a young age...

Thinking of Charlieโ€™s dignified but caring look, Isabella could not help but sigh softly.

The biggest pain in this world was for a parent to watch his or her child pass away. The poor old man had been through it twice. How much despair had he suffered before he learned to calmly face reality like now?

Isabella fixed her gaze on the words โ€œSecond eldest son: Michael Wilsonโ€, thinking something. In other words, only one of Charlieโ€™s three children was alive. He was Josephโ€™s uncle. How come the old man and Joseph never mentioned him once?

Did they have a falling out?

No, it couldnโ€™t be; otherwise, Michael wouldnโ€™t be in charge of the overseas branch.

When Isabella clicked the name, she found that the page gave no personal information about Michael other than a title, just like Josephโ€™s page.

โ€œThese guys are good at keeping a low profile. I canโ€™t find anything...โ€

As Isabella was thinking, the door opened. Joseph walked in sullenly. Isabella hurriedly turned off the computer and put it aside. โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong? You look pale.โ€

โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€

Joseph crawled onto the bed and hugged Isabella.

โ€œI was reading the news.โ€

Isabella sensed something weird about Joseph. โ€œWhat happened? You seem upset. Are you angry about your work?โ€

โ€œNo, I just donโ€™t want to work. I want to take a rest.โ€

Joseph rested his face against Isabellaโ€™s shoulder like a child throwing a tantrum. โ€œIโ€™m sure that I want to sleep with you badly right now. I want to hug you, kiss you, and make you blush and beg me to stop. I canโ€™t concentrate on work.โ€

โ€œJoseph, can you make it sound a bit romantic? I donโ€™t feel like talking to you at all...โ€

โ€œDear, I love you. I want to be with you.โ€

Isabella was stupefied for a moment.

โ€œCome on. Doctor Morris said that I have to rest today. William mentioned that you have several things to take care of. If you keep stalling, your subordinates will be pushed to the edge. Go to work.โ€

Joseph blinked unhappily. โ€œEven a king would need to take a few days off occasionally, not to mention that Iโ€™m a civilian.โ€

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Williamโ€™s anxious voice sounded outside. โ€œMr. Joseph, why did you leave in the middle of the meeting? Mr. Jackson said that they need your decision on a very important project plan.โ€

Joseph raised an eyebrow in disdain.

โ€œTell them itโ€™s time for them to prove that they deserve their paychecks. Iโ€™m leaving them to be in charge of everything in the next few days. If Grandpa asks, just say that I have to save my strength to make a baby.โ€

Isabella remained silent.

And so did William.

When Isabella came back to her senses, she immediately covered Josephโ€™s mouth and scowled at him. โ€œDonโ€™t be so shameless. Youโ€™re embarrassing me!โ€


Joseph looked at Isabellaโ€™s blushing face and let out a mischievous laugh. He lifted her chin. โ€œLet me show you how shameless I can be.โ€

Joseph reached his hand under Isabellaโ€™s clothes.

Isabella was caught off guard and screamed.

โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ She hurriedly covered her clothes.

Joseph giggled.

Joseph pressed Isabella against the bed and smiled. โ€œYou know the answer to your question. Come on. Smile for me.โ€

William probably heard the noise inside and felt embarrassed. โ€œMr. Joseph, goodnight. I will tell your father what you said.โ€

โ€œWait! William!โ€

Isabella called out to William and pushed Joseph away. She turned to Joseph. โ€œWhat should I do about you? How about I got to work with you? It would be embarrassing if your grandfather found out about this.โ€

Five minutes later, Joseph sat in the study and Isabella sat on Josephโ€™s lap. They worked together.

Joseph would kiss Isabella once every five minutes, otherwise, he would not be able to concentrate.

The two signed the document together and made changes to the project plan together. Finally, they had a short video conference with the foreigners overseas.

At 11:30 p.m., Joseph finally started to wrap up his work. Isabellaโ€™s lips were already swollen.

The two were about to return to their bedroom together.

Isabella stood up and touched her lips. โ€œIf your subordinates knew that you were holding a woman in your arms while working, they would mock you behind your back.โ€

Joseph sorted the document on the desk and then caught up to hold Isabellaโ€™s shoulders. โ€œThey know. We were holding a video conference just now. They saw everything.โ€


Isabella was shocked. โ€œYou said you only turned on the microphone and that they couldnโ€™t see us.โ€

โ€œWell, I was afraid that you would flip out if I told you the truth.โ€

Joseph calmly stretched his arms and opened the door, heading for the bedroom.


Isabella didnโ€™t know how to feel when she realized that she and Joseph had kissed every five minutes in front of so many people. She caught up with Joseph. โ€œYou told me that you were very serious about your work. You are kidding me, arenโ€™t you? You wouldnโ€™t let your subordinates see us kissing, right?โ€

โ€œI am at my home, not the company,โ€ Joseph said in a gentle but bossy voice. โ€œDo I need their permission to hug and kiss my wife at home?โ€

Isabella didnโ€™t know what to say.