Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch-Chapter 569 - 543: What, I’m Stuck?

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Chapter 569: Chapter 543: What, I’m Stuck?


The purchase option in the “Battlefield” mall page finally lit up.

In the virtual real estate, a large number of players who had been eagerly waiting, didn’t even bother to check the prices, and just clicked to buy without hesitation.

Then it was—— login!

As always, it took only a few short seconds to load.

Afterward, they were plunged into darkness, and then they were forcefully pulled up by a hand.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves on a nighttime battlefield.

But everywhere there were fires and smoke of gunpowder, gunshots and explosions, and the view was not only not dim but also felt too bright and hot!

There was also a strange sense of fatigue that came over them.

But there was no more time to think, this was the battlefield!



The painful howls frightened Camille Victoria.

She nervously looked around, only to discover that she was in the middle of a fierce melee combat, with comrades and enemies completely mixed together.

The two sides were using bayonets, daggers, hand axes, military spatulas, and even iron clubs, doing everything they could to kill their opponents!

Gunshots, explosions, roars, and screams, all trying to get into her ears first.

Camille Victoria even saw a man, at the cost of having his hand pierced by a bayonet, controlling the enemy’s weapon, and then knocking him out with a shove.

The scene was extremely bloody, causing her quite a bit of mental shock.

But there was no time for her to ease her nerves!

Having just taken in the information around her, there was already an enemy on her right, holding a rifle, stabbing her with a bayonet! freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

Camille Victoria was completely at a loss, retreating again and again.

But how could the speed of retreat compare to that of a sprint!

The next moment, she was solidly stabbed in the chest with a bayonet!

But before she could even scream, the enemy had already pulled out the bayonet, and with a “plop” “plop” “plop”, stabbed her chest three more times!

With no suspense, Camille Victoria died on the spot less than 10 seconds after entering the game.

But the game didn’t restart, she felt her consciousness leave her body, float into the sky, move briefly, then fall into another unconscious body, and open her eyes again.

This time, she had a knife in her hand, so she mustered up the courage to face the enemy charging towards her again.


Yi didn’t care as much as Camille Victoria. Seeing the enemy charging at him, he turned around and pulled a burning wooden stick from the burning ruins of a building.

Taking advantage of the fact that every inch is powerful, he slammed the stick on the enemy’s head.

Then, he pounced on him, grabbing the gun and aiming to shoot the enemy in the head!

What battlefield etiquette of melee combat that should refrain from bullets; what close combat gunfire is prone to penetrating the enemy and accidentally injuring comrades, were all nonsense, Yi didn’t care.

Teammates were meant to be sold, right?!

Unfortunately, after a few empty pulls of the trigger, there were no bullets fired from the gun.

——The magazine was already empty.

But it didn’t matter, Yi raised the rifle, ready to stab the enemy with the bayonet.

However, just a second before making the move, he subconsciously looked into the enemy’s eyes and found that the enemy was actually very young, probably just barely an adult, his face full of dust and sweat, and his eyes full of terror.

This made him hesitate for an instant.

As a result of this moment of hesitation, the young guy below him had already drawn his pistol from his waist—— “Bang!”

Yi was shot in the chest and fell to the ground, kicking up a large amount of dust.

“You fucking… have no martial arts etiquette!” Yi spat his last words angrily.

Afterward, he died without any suspense and was sent to resurrect.


Super Tomato was well-prepared psychologically, dodging the sudden attack, grabbing the gun, and then slamming a headbutt hard on the enemy’s nose bridge – no pain, just defiance!

Then he grabbed the rifle and stabbed the enemy in the stomach with a bayonet.

With the gun in his hand, he looked around as his comrades and enemies scrambled to kill each other in the chaotic battlefield. He couldn’t even tell who was an enemy and who was a comrade.

Fortunately, at this point, a line of text appeared in the center of his field of vision:

“‘Battlefield’ is based on a real war that took place 100 years ago.”

“At that time, the world was in the climax of the war, where over 60 million soldiers were caught in the flames of war.

They went to the battlefield with the belief that they would end the war and achieve victory.

But in the end, they turned into unnamed kindling, causing the war to blaze even more ferociously.

One hundred years later, the flames of war have never ceased.”

“And it forever changed our world.”

After these lines disappeared, Super Tomato noticed that in the dozen or more seconds he had shifted his attention, the battlefield had gone from night to dawn.

There were the remains of buildings everywhere, the still-burning embers, and the bare, even completely charred tree trunks that were now visible in the distance. Further afield, both the sky and the earth were gray, and it was unclear whether it was fog or smoke and dust.

Suddenly, an officer rushed over, yelling at him, “We’re surrounded, hold the line!” and shoved a fierce-looking machine gun into his hand.

“Oh, okay, okay.” Super Tomato quickly agreed, waking up from the apocalyptic battlefield atmosphere, and hurriedly followed the officer.

As he moved forward, he couldn’t help but lower his head to look at the bolt-action rifle in his hand, comparing it to the machine gun, and quickly put it away in disgust.

He hadn’t taken a few steps before he heard the sound of heavy gunfire, followed by a “boom” of an explosion in front of him, smoke and dust rising, and stones flying in disarray.