BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 958: Permutations, and Plenty of DNA Points

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Chapter 958: Permutations, and Plenty of DNA Points

But that wasn't the only thing he had to do. He had to train; he had to make the clones, and find a time to do so.

But he managed. The number of eggs reached the two thousand, and a lot of Chimaeric Demons matured in the meantime.

All that training also got him 18 neural links divided among the Chimaeric Demon's, the Self Healing's and the Instability's brain crystal powers.

Erik focused on them a lot, but the most important one was going to be the Instability brain crystal power.

It would make easier for him to influence others and to read their mind, it would lessen his mana expenditures. It was a must power up.

Erik was thrilled about his progress, especially with the increased neural links and the boost to his powers.

<System, show me the status.>

The same old semi-transparent screen, in its bluish and white glory, appeared out of thin air. The screen, only seen by Erik, floated in the air with all the info he wanted.

- [Host Information]

NAME: Erik Romano AGE: 18 POWER LEVEL: 885 SYSTEM LEVEL: 180 EXPERIENCE: 309496 DNA POINTS: 56772.95 HEALTH: 16840 MANA: 16770

{Attributes} STRENGTH: 348 INTELLIGENCE: 280 DEXTERITY: 328 ENERGY: 837 Available Attributes points: 0

{Powers} [Biological SuperComputer Powers] Brain Crystal Manipulation - Brain Crystal Power Extraction -Brain Crystal power Merging - Brain Crystal Power Analysis -Brain Crystal Power Editing

-Brain Crystal Power Strengthening -(LOCKED)

DNA Manipulation -DNA Extraction -DNA Merging -DNA Analysis -DNA Editing -DNA Strengthening -(LOCKED)

-Analysis - Brain Information Injector - Device Manipulation



{Skills} Kyokar hand-to-hand style (MASTER) Etrium's sword style (ADVANCED) Crypt of the Desert Style (MASTER) —

<These are too many...>

One thing Erik never got rid of during these three years was his uncertainty.

Even after thinking about it a lot, Erik still wasn't sure which powers to combine.

He thought about it a lot and found some combinations that could pack a punch.

But he was always afraid of messing up and getting worse. The unknown outcomes made him feel stuck and unable to decide.

What if he irrevocably messed up, forever altering the powers he had gained and nurtured, getting something that would not be as useful as they were now?

In the past, the powers were simple and weak. To lose them, or getting something unpredictable, was not a problem. But now it was different, because these powers were not only strong, but were very useful.

<I got enough DNA points to merge the powers. I should really decide what to do. At least to prepare for the upcoming attack.>

He paused. <Let's see.>

<Force Manipulation and Exoshield... now that's a combination. But I do not know what the result would be. Hopefully something similar to Gwen's armor but with Nathaniel's destructiveness.>

He thought about this for a while. <Maybe I should ask the biological supercomputer to make it so that's exactly the combination that must come out, but the usage of DNA points will increase.>

He spent a lot of time going through all the brain crystal powers in his collection.

He was thorough, dedicating ample time to evaluate the specifics of each power, reflecting on their individual merits and drawbacks, and brainstorming on how these could result if he merged them.

<Chimaeric Demon and Self-Healing... an army of me, each one able to heal and keep fighting. Overwhelming odds with sheer numbers, a tempting strategy. The problem is, I would be left without the Self-Healing power. The best thing would be to get a healing brain crystal power, and merge it with the Chimaeric Demons, so that I could get as many healers as I want. >

He thought about it for a second. That was the best thing he could do.

<I can't delay this any longer.> He was hit hard when his dad died. That event seriously messed him up. He really didn't want to go through the pain of losing someone else.

The thought was so unbearable that he desperately wanted to avoid it, and killing a healer to get his or her brain crystal power seemed the only thing he could do.

<I can 'lend' a clone to Mira, Emily, Amber and June, so that, if they get into troubles, they will survive, at least.>

Erik knew he had to get that brain crystal power, but that would have had to wait. Right now, he needed to decide on the brain crystal powers to merge.

So, he kept going through the list and found two brain crystal powers that would work fine together.

Updat𝒆d fr𝒐m freewebnσvel.cøm.

<Wyvern's Flames and Solid Frostwind... If I ask the biological supercomputer to steer the merging to give the Solid Frostwind fire powers, then it should work.>

He went on in the list.

<Human and Beast Shapeshifting... That's a no brain... but...>

Erik wasn't able to decide between some combinations.

<Illusion Weaver and Chameleon Veil... The first might make the second make me completely invisible. But there were other alternatives, for example, Illusion Weaver and Instability

could also be viable.>

Erik's ability to influence the others might become formidable. Illusion Weaver was a good power, one that allowed him to fool the blackguards whenever he had to leave to make clones.

Bringing the powers of Instability and Illusion Weaver together might lead to entirely new opportunities.

Enhancing the Instability brain crystal power could change how it affected other people and open up fresh possibilities for mind reading.

This combination might let Erik to create visions and hallucinations in the heads of his freewebnσvel.cѳm


In a fight, this might be a very effective weapon even if the Illusion Weaver by itself was effective for this purpose.

What Erik really wanted from a possible combination was to make people consider particular facts or concepts without directly posing questions meant to do so, so improving and hiding

his mind-reading skills.

The actual results might differ from these hypotheses, though.

Still, the best results would be to keep the illusion weaver able to produce illusions in real life or acquire invisibility abilities.

<An alternative could be to merge the result of the shapeshifting abilities with the Chameleon


But somehow, that didn't sound good to Erik. The shapeshifting ability had nothing to do with 'concealment' in a strict sense.

It morphed Erik physically. It was great to infiltrate and fool people, but the shapeshifters he'd got these powers from didn't use their abilities for disguise. Well, not everyone, at least.

They weaponized their transformations, partially shapeshifting into the creatures, and gain their strength.

Some could be able to fly, some got a strength multiplier. Most could increase their senses.

<I have to make a choice.>

Erik stopped to think for a second. Then he decided.

<All right, I've reached a conclusion. System, I want you to merge the following powers: Force Manipulation and Exoshield, Wyvern's Flames and Solid Frostwind, Illusion Weaver and Chameleon Veil, Human and Beast Shapeshifting. Now, while merging them, use the editing ability to steer the merging into this direction: Exoshield and Force Manipulation must create something similar to Gwen's armor, but with Nathaniel's destructiveness. Illusion Weaver and Chameleon Veil must be merged, but choose yourself in what direction they must go. I will trust your judgment. Then, merge Human and beast shapeshifting. I want something that makes me shapeshift in whatever I want. Don't be stingy with the DNA points. The last, well, you can understand what I want with Wyvern's flames and Solid frostwind.>

<You took your time with this, uh? And here I thought everything I forced you to do made you

more firm.>

<Yeah... thanks for having reminded me how cruel you are!>

<Oh, you are welcome, of course!>

Erik paused for a second. <How much DNA points do you think I will need to spend?>

The biological supercomputer didn't immediately reply.

<Let me make a quick computation.>

Erik nodded. <Take your time.>

With that, the biological supercomputer's gears started spinning. It took little for the AI to

come up with a result, despite it having to not only find out how to merge and modify the powers, find a balance, achieve the best result, and last, computing the requirements. And with that the complex structures of the biological supercomputer spun. Though the artificial intelligence was unfazed, despite how difficult the nature of its job was.

The challenge was enormous because the AI not only had to find a way to combine and alter

the current brain crystalpowers but also to find a careful balance and get the best result, one that was suitable for Erik and his requests.

Apart from this, the AI also had to calculate what was needed for successful implementation

of its master's ideas.

<All of them, and you have enough.>

<Ah... fuck... this means I will have to grind again, right?>
