BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 941: Blue Whale’s team (2)

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Chapter 941: Blue Whale's team (2)

"The rebels attacked the train station and caused some damage to the floating tracks. But a blackguard team was there and took care of them all."

He tried to sound pleased, but the memory of his comrades' bodies strewn on the floor in pools of their own blood wasn't pleasing.

"Oh really? Do you have an idea about who stopped them?" the blackguard asked.

"No...? Why? Is that important?"

"Ah, not at all."

Erik narrowed his eyes behind his mask. Was there something he didn't know? Well, to be honest, he knew next to nothing, but there was something in the man's questions that gave him something to think about.

By using his instability brain crystal power, he delved into the blackguard's mind.

<Ah... That's why...>

The man suspected that the team sent to thwart the rebels' attack was Dark Tendrils' group. The information he gleaned from the man's mind was both intriguing and concerning.

Based on what the man knew, Dark Tendrils' team was a relatively new formation within the Blackguards, but they had been making waves with their impressive accomplishments.

In less than three years, Dark Tendrils himself had risen to the rank of Warden, a remarkable feat that had sparked rumors and envy among the Blackguards.

Wardens were blackguards assigned to specific areas or groups, and they often led teams. <He must have been assigned to New Alexandria. >

Erik's brow furrowed behind his mask. This Dark Tendrils and his group seemed to have gained respect even within the blackguards' higher-ups, and most of them were pompous pricks, so that in itself was a tremendous achievement.

Their swift ascension suggested they wielded significant power and influence within the Blackguard ranks, and for sure, important missions were given to them.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to give the group the task of fighting the rebels. This wasn't a secondary battlefield, but an important one, albeit probably not the main one.

But other than the whispers about the group's extraordinary accomplishments, the blackguard Erik was reading the mind of knew next to nothing.

Their methods, motivations, and even the full extent of their abilities remained shrouded in mystery.

"I'm not certain, but I think the team that stopped the rebels was Dark Tendrils' group." The blackguard's voice took on a pleased tone. "Is that so? That would make sense. Dark Tendrils and his team are quite impressive, aren't they?"

Erik nodded, trying to appear casual. "Yes, from what I've heard, they've accomplished a lot in a short amount of time." He kept his tone neutral, not wanting to give away too much interest.

The blackguard leaned back in his seat, a small smile playing on his lips, albeit hidden by his mask.

"Indeed. I have the utmost respect for their abilities. It's no wonder they were stationed here in New Alexandria."

Erik nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too," Erik said. "But tell me, do you know who the team answers to?"

The blackguard eyed him for a moment, as if debating how much to share with the recruit.

"Well, since you're new, I suppose you wouldn't know. But it's rumored that Dark Tendrils answers to Momentum."

<Momentum? >

The blackguard leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Just between us. You didn't hear that from me, got it?"

At the word "Momentum," Erik remembered something.

That was a name he knew all too well-it was the codename used by the captain of the team that chased him within Caelora City.

He couldn't forget the man, even if he wanted to.

The ramifications rushed through his head. The issue may be even more troublesome than it seemed if Momentum was really the one leading Dark Tendrils and his elite group.

Momentum looked like a capable leader, after all, and most importantly, he fought against Erik.

This made Erik think that Dark Tendrils' actual job was to find him. Because what would be the reason to assign him to Momentum, within New Alexandria, his birth city?

Momentum already met and fought against Erik, so he knew better than anyone else, among the blackguards, what he was capable of.

Erik knew he had to be careful. He undoubtedly had to use a combat technique that his opponent was unaware of.

"I see. That's quite interesting. I will keep that to myself." Erik paused, then added, "Do you know anything about 'Momentum'? You know, I'm kind of new, so there is not much I know." The blackguard shook his head. "Not much, I'm afraid. I only know he is an older member of the blackguards on the Enforcer rank, but they say he is a nightmare to fight against, and his team is no less strong."

He glanced around, as if worried they were being watched. "It's best not to ask too many questions, you understand? I wouldn't want to end hung up."

Erik nodded.

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Erik considered the ramifications of this new knowledge while the auto carried on its patrol.

<Momentum's presence explains why Dark Tendril was so problematic for Fischer and the

others. >

Erik's internal investigation was cut short by a sudden crackle over his communicator.

A barked order echoed through the air, shattering the tense silence.

"To all units nearby," the voice said, "a group of thaids breached the barrier. All available members must head to Sector 7342 and kill the monsters!"

A jolt of urgency surged through Erik. Thaids were not rebels; they targeted the citizens, and for sure, he didn't have problems killing them.

Every able-bodied patroller, including Erik and his team, scrambled into action. Adrenaline thrummed through their veins, replacing the lingering unease from the previous freewebnøvel.coɱ


The once silent streets became a hive of bustle. Wailing notes from sirens pierced the air as patrol team cars raced across the city, straight for Sector 7342.

While brief instructions sounded over their radios, urgent hand signals darted between the drivers. Other than a few stray cats running for safety, their eyes wide with terror, the

sidewalks were empty.

Retailers closed their doors and slipped into the darkness as they drew down their shutters.