Because I simply love you-Chapter 58: He will do anything to make her a Liu
Chapter 58: He will do anything to make her a Liu
“Oooo is this curry?”, Father Liu asked.
Nana said, “Yes, and you should especially try it today. Mr. Liu helped me in making it.”
He was speechless. His son helped? Does he even know the c of cooking?
He said with a distrustful expression, “So, is the curry now even edible?”
Jinhai stared coldly at his father.
“Yes, try it.”, she hurriedly gave a spoonful to him before the son starts any war.
Father Liu tasted it and a wide smile bloomed on his face.
“Good work son! Obviously, nothing can go wrong when Nana is there to supervise.”
And yet you were distrustful just a second ago, thought Jinhai.
Nana chose to keep quiet.
“Alright dad, the taste testing is done. Your esteemed presence is required for the meeting now. Can we go?”
He glared at him, “Don’t you use that tone with me. Hmph!”
He smiled at Nana and said, “Child I will have to leave. He is just jealous of our fun time together. You can ignore him. We will meet later.”
Jinhai said nothing.
She smiled helplessly, “Sure.”
“Sooo how the sudden urge to help with the cooking, huh?”, Liu Hai asked on the way to their meeting.
Jinhai sighed. “Its nothing. I just thought I could lend a hand.”
He said nothing.
“Well, you go ahead. I will just come back from a quick washroom break.”
“Don’t run away.”
“Are you really my son?”
“Test it and confirm yourself.”, Jinhai didn’t even look back and went ahead.
“Stupid son. Can’t even give some leeway for his own father.”, he muttered.
He took out his phone and saw the picture he clicked. And he gave a crafty smile.
Mother Chen asked Jianyu, “So, when will you start dating Nana? She is such a nice girl. What are you waiting for?”
They were having dinner. Jianyu lost the count how many times his mother had already asked that question. Not just today but all the other days as well.
Jianyu said, “Mom, we are still friends. And we are both comfortable with that. We don’t want to rush it.”
She frowned, “What rush? It’s already quite a while since you both met. You should seriously start thinking in that direction.”, she showed an annoyed expression, “Plus now more than ever. Because even my brother likes her for Jing. You have to hurry or else he will snatch her away from us! I know him too well. Because I’m like him too. Once we decide that we want something, we get it by hook or by crook.”
“He is not that evil.”, he sighed.
“Hah! You all are fooled by him. I’m his sister. I know him closely, even more than mom and dad. He is one devious man. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because that’s how we both married to whom we are married today. We are very similar in that sense. You can even say the same. If he really likes Nana as much as I do, then he will definitely give his all to make her a Liu. And I found her first! She must be a Chen.”, she harrumphed.
He shuddered, “What exactly did you do to get Dad? Does he know? Is he being deceived?”
She dismissed, “That’s a story for another time. You focus on Nana.”
“Well, she is coming tomorrow. We have ordered lunch boxes again from Natsukashi.”
“That’s great! Now don’t waste this chance.”
“Ssshhhh ssh. Don’t annoy me anymore. I’m done eating. Good night.”
He shook his head.
The same night at Jinhai’s house.
He got out of his car and a woman dashed towards him in a hug.
“Hubby. I missed you.”
“Huian? What are you doing outside?”, Jinhai asked.
“I especially came to welcome you. Aren’t I a lovely wife?”, she grinned.
Huian had come to gauge his mood. To know if he got any letter and had strange or confused expressions on his face.
He chuckled, “Yes yes. Now let’s go inside. It is cold here.”
“Yeah lets-“, Huian’s gaze suddenly turned towards his fist. It felt like he was holding something.
She said, “Ah, What is that? What are you holding?”
Jinhai looked. “Oh, this? I don’t know. I found it stuck in between the edges of the seat. But something strange is written on it.”
Huian froze. “Huh? Strange? Like what?”
“I didn’t quite get it.”
“Show me.”
She saw the letter with the same light floral design and color. She felt like her heart stopped beating.
She started sweating lightly and took the paper from him. Her fingers trembled.
“Are you okay, Huian? Dont worry. I will investigate this. I think it’s one of our rivals.”
“No!”, she shouted.
He knitted his brows.
“I-I mean I think it’s nothing to waste your time over it. Maybe it accidentally got there.”
“Still…we shouldn’t ignore it.”
“Oh c’mon Jinhai. I bet you’ll just feel like an idiot in the end.”, she shivered.
“Okay, we’ll talk about this later. We should go back. I think you are catching a cold.”
“Yes Yes. I’m feeling chilly.”
“En. Let’s go.”
They headed back and all the way Huian tightly held that letter.
“Dear, you start with dinner. I will be back in a minute.”
She quickly came into their room.
She opened the crumpled piece of paper.
There were three words written.
‘In cahoots with…’