Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 345 Kinship

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"I'm done with this world," Seth thought, it had been a day since he returned to Monwac city and now, he reclined on a chair and stared out a window, his eyes lost in the clouds.

He had accomplished it all and more.

The journey had originally been to heal his soul, a mission that he had thought would be done in Ashad but in the end, had taken him all a whole other world called Egaroth.

Here in Egaroth, Seth had learned and experienced a lot of things he never would have thought possible.

The number of benefits he had reaped here more than made the journey worth it, although he couldn't help but internally scowl at the problems he had now picked up.

"I can't believe a sane and normal woman fell in love with me" Seth muttered.

"Hey, what does that mean," Alexia's ethereal figure which was lying atop Seth said lifting her head and staring at him.

"Aren't I normal?" she asked with a pout.

"Well if you think your normal, then okay, but just so you know, I like abnormal women," Seth said and he didn't have to wait long before Minuha grabbed his face.

"I'm abnormal" she screamed pressing her face to his with a smile.

"Yes you are," Seth said earning a wide smile from Minuha who buried her head into his chest.

"So we are finally going home right," Alexia asked.

"Home" Seth repeated," where is home"

"Where you were born, Earth, the place we first met."

"What makes it home," Seth asked.

"Huh, why are you getting sensitive Seth," Alexia asked looking at Seth with worry.

"You've never wondered why I spared Minuha."

"Well I pegged it to her seduction subconsciously working on you, but now that you mention it I'm curious."

"Though I transformed her to save Flora's life, the second I made her a supreme, I believe I no longer wanted to destroy her."

"Why?" Alexia asked.

"Because we're family."

"Huh," Alexia said looking Seth up and down with genuine worry.

"Seth, are you okay?"

"Yes," Seth said with a sigh seeing as Alexia began floating around and inspecting him.

"Alright I might have exaggerated by using the word "family", but I think 'kinship' should do the job."

With Seth's explanation, Alexia descended and rested back on him a confused look on her face.

"So because of kinship, you're going to spare the woman for the humiliation she gave to you."

"Urghh, now that you mention it, I do feel like going out there and ripping her apart," Seth said.

Seeing Seth taking no action, Alexia let out a sigh, knowing he wasn't going to cause Minuha any harm unless the woman asked for it.

"So do you now think of her as a daughter, it would be weird considering she's way older than you?"

"No nothing like that," Seth said shivering at the thought of having a daughter, he was about to emphasize more on his exact feeling when there was a knock on the door.

"Ahhh, seems your guardian angel is here. Are you planning on sleeping with her?"

"Tchh, what do you take me for," Seth asked with a bit of hurt and a smirk as he stood up and headed for the door.

With curiosity, Seth pulled open the door, Dilise face being the first to come into his view, and then beside her was a beautiful woman whom he had never seen before.

"Seth " Dilise greeted with a complicated expression remembering how their last interaction had gone

"Come in," Seth said

With a smile Seth pulled the door, further open, shifting and creating space for the two women.

Dilise let her sister go in first, and then she followed after, but just as she went past Seth, she felt a hand grab onto her buns and squeeze them.

"Soft as I remembered, " Seth thought crying comical tears as another treasure was added to the list of what he would abandon on leaving Egaroth.

Seth's obscene actions were subtle and with Dilise's cooperation, her sister had no idea on what had transpired.

When both women entered the room, Seth closed the door and then turned around only to find them standing and looking at him.

"Ehmm there are no chairs," Dilise said surprised and confused on her face as she looked around the room which except for the large bed was bare of any other furniture for sitting.

"Oh, well, that's how the room was given to me, I'm sorry for the poor hosting."

Dilise's eyes narrowed as she stared at Seth, and then she spoke.

"I was the one who personally prepared, this room, I know everything that should be in it.

Are you doing all this to get into my sister's pants?"

Though Seth expected Dilise to figure out his end goal, he didn't expect her to call him out on it.

He was quickly racking his brain for a response to Dilise words when her sister spoke.

"Was, dein, flughafen" she said slightly hitting Dilise.

Dilise let out a sigh and then turned to Seth.

"She's unhappy with being left out of the conversation, she's been wanting to meet you."

"Huh she doesn't understand the cultivation tongue," Seth asked in surprise. 𝑏𝘦𝘥𝘯𝑜𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝑜𝑟𝘨

"Of course not," Dilise said giving Seth a funny look.

"Keep your cock in your pants, nothing would be happening between you and my sister.

"Tell her my name is Seth," Seth said ignoring Dilise's threat of cock blocking and moving closer to Flora who was looking at him with bright eyes.

With a nod, Dilise turned to her sister and then spoke their local tongue turning to Seth seconds later and giving her sister a reply.

"She says her name is Flora."

With Dilisie's words, Seth looked to Flora noticing the bright smile on her face as she nodded her head and waved.

"Well she sure is happy to see me," Seth thought amused at Flora's flushed behavior. "Why am I suddenly feeling so at ease and relaxed about her, it's like I should hold her in my arms and never let go" Seth wondered, letting his thoughts reach Alexia.

"Well considering how quickly you thought of eating her up, even going as far as to have your shadow swallow all the other furniture in the room, I don't think it's strange that you want her in your arms," Alexia answered with a bit of bore.

"No this is more than just sexual desire, it's like…, like…, yes like back when I woke up and the Monwac outer city had been taken, when I had woken up and was heading back to find Irene, just like when I came across that pregnant woman," Seth thought.

"Hmm do you have a thing for pregnant women, I can make my tummy big," Alexia said, her words coming out like she was truly mulling over the idea.

"No, why would you think that."

"Well in case you haven't noticed, Flora is also pregnant."
