Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice-Chapter 252 Conscience

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252 Conscience

Gabriel can't blame Enzo for raising his voice at Sabrina, but he will make sure that he's not going to do it again to his wife. Now, Sabrina just broke down. She was blaming herself and it tear him apart slowly. The cry that she's making was making him weak. He looked up at Enzo and now he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry…. It's all my fault."

Enzo walks out. He went away from everyone and started punching a banana tree that it almost falls. His hand got bruises, but he didn't stop. He can't lose Catriona again. Now—he hurt his own sister. He was a useless brother. He can't even protect Sabrina and he was clueless at everything.

"Stop now." Ethan spoke behind his back. Enzo stopped with his chest pumping up and down. His hand shaking. "That's enough now, brother. We don't know how much Sabrina is in pain now. We don't know what she witnessed. We don't know how much she suffered. Let's be patient, okay?"

"Until when? Until I lose Catriona?" He asked him. "Catriona is blind because of Eros and Eros killed Mark. He will come soon to take my wife, now tell me. Do I still have to be patient?" 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Ethan sigh and lower his head. He was the first born and now—he feels useless. What kind brother is he? Everyone now is questioning their real role in the family. Did they do their duty properly?

"I am the eldest," He put his hand on his shoulder. "I will fix this."

"How?" Enzo asked.

"Don't you know how calculative Sabrina is?" Ethan smile. "She can do possible things. We don't know what she had planned in mind. Maybe it's good that she doesn't have her memories anymore." He sighed. "Go back to Cat and your kids. They need you more."

Enzo went back inside and found Catriona there sitting. The babies are wondering around and like they are talking with each other making baby noises. Everything disappeared even his anger as he moved closer and watch the triplets. Catriona reach his hand and she squeeze it. Enzo bit his lips to avoid squealing in pain.

"You injured your hands. Do you want me to break?" She asked calmly and dangerously.

"Uhh, Cat—" She probably didn't hear him squeal so she continued and then to the other hand. "Ow…" he murmured. "Cat—please."

"The next time you want to injure yourself—just tell me—okay?" She smiled in a sinister way and straddle on his lap. He hugged her small waist and shove his face between her breasts. Catriona hug him back and let him have her comfort. "It wasn't Sabrina's fault not to tell you anything. She's just independent. We can't blame her for protecting her family."

"I suck being big brother." 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

"I know."

"Cat—I can't live without you. So please, whatever your mission is—always come back to me in a complete piece."

"I promise." He smiled and kissed her lips. Then he brought her to the sofa near the window and lay her down there. "Make sure that our babies won't complain." She murmurs.

"Our babies are connecting with each other perfectly." Enzo mutters. Hearing the triplets talk at each other with their tiny baby voice makes their heart melts. Enzo push the peach dress that she's wearing and remove the last piece that covers her flushed and firm skin. He kisses her inner thighs. She closed her eyes and let him have it.

Although Enzo's hand is injured—he didn't stop himself from making love to his wife. They are both moaning sweetly—careful not to make any loud sound so they wouldn't disturb anyone.


It took a while for Sabrina to calm down until she had fallen asleep. Gabriel make sure that she drank a lot of water for the replacement of the tears she cried. He pulled the duvet over her shoulder and kiss her forehead. He pulled out his phone to make sure that there's an update about Brandy, but they haven't found his body.

Eros was away and they can't just kill him anytime. Gabriel want to torture him not kill him. He kissed Sabrina's forehead and then went to the walk-in closet and call Anastasia. He told her everything that happened although he knows that Anastasia would be worried—it will pursue her to be strong.

"What's the next plan?" Anastasia asked.

"Our plan would be ghosting him again. We need to find out where Francisco is taking his resources now. We are going to start at Eros. Brandy was supposed to be our eye but now that he's gone—I can't rely on a dead man."

"I will do it." He can feel Anastasia's dangerous smirk.

"Thanks, mom. We will fix this soon."

"Don't worry, Gabby. Sabrina will have the revenge she always wanted."


No matter what happened. Ferdinand left the villa and went directly to the grave that they dig and took a DNA sample, bones, teeth and others that they could collect for testing. He stared at the bones—it doesn't seem like his wife to him.

He left the monument to where he saw her. Maybe she's still alive and she just forget them. It's possible but why should it take this long? Ferdinand was obsessed now to find out what happened to his wife but only Sabrina knows.

He continued his investigation and found out that the villa was under Francisco's name. He frowned and get in to his Montero. He leaned his head on his seat. Ferdinand knows that Francisco was in love with his wife. But if Francisco has something to do with what happened years ago.

He has no contact with Francisco, but he has other resources to find out where he is. He must find Francisco. He must know what happened. He clenches his fist. If this was Francisco's doing—from Janine to Marga and then on manipulating them—he will never forgive him.

He watched as they put everything back to where it was. No one should know that he dug up Anastasia's grave. He got out again from his car and pull out flowers from the trunk of the car and put it around. He watched as everyone left, and he stayed there staring at Anastasia's painting.


A black sedan pulled out few meters away from Ferdinand's car. He watched as Ferdinand stand there in front of Anastasia's painting. The dear Anastasia look so beautiful in that painting and Ferdinand paint it all by himself. But the funniest thing that happened was—he has no idea that he also fck Anastasia.

He had touch that smooth, fair and flawless skin and had tasted it all. Francisco chuckle as he stare at Ferdinand sulking there. Soon, Ferdinand left and it was his turn to show up in front of Anastasia.

It was already dark, and he told everyone that he can take it. He can be there without anyone attending him. So, he stood there in front of the painting. The lights are dimmed, and the smell of fresh flowers was around. Then suddenly—he smelled Anastasia. Her perfume. He closed his eyes and a hand caress him with a light touch of air on his neck.

"You enjoy fantasizing about me?" That voice. Ferdinand open his eyes. He stiffened, he turn around and found no one there. He saw a woman in white left the monument. He followed her quickly to the woods.


Then she hid on the big bark of a tree. Although his legs aren't that healed, he almost run just to catch up on her. Then Anastasia show up on him. She giggles.

"You found me."

Francisco exhales and he smiles. She was meters away from him. She giggled and run away. She looked so young just like before—like she never get old. Francisco run after her but only few steps then he fell on the ground.

"Ana!" He saw as she stopped and walk closer to him. She peeked on him tilting her head.

"Francisco, dear… I will soon see how you will get peeled up alive." He tried to reach her and then she giggled.

"Oops!" She teased and then she run off. Francisco stood and run after her, but he couldn't find her anymore.

"Anastasia!" He screamed out but only the sound of crickets answered him.

Read Kill the Sun