An A-Ranked Adventurer's 'Slow-living'-Chapter 62: Gramps & Granny

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Chapter 62: Gramps & Granny

After we finished our morning tasks and prepared our lunch, Flora and I exited our house.

Since we only needed to bring the basket with our sandwiches, our water canteens, some cloths and towels, I have no worries about forgetting anything.

I put the straw hat that Flora made me on my head, and the bag that had everything other than the sandwiches inside on my back and locked the door.

After hearing the satisfying sound of the door locking, I turned the doorknob just to make sure that it was locked. Alright, good.

「We’re all set」


When I looked back and spoke to her, Flora replied with a voice that was more energetic than usual.

She’s probably really looking forward to this. Her smile was more innocent than usual.

Other than the straw hat she has on, she is wearing a short-sleeved blouse with a navy blue skirt today.

Her hand that extend out of her short-sleeved blouse is holding onto the basket that has our sandwiches inside.

Her refreshing look that revealed slightly more skin than usual makes her look like a sheltered girl who came here for a summer getaway.

Her beautiful skin and silky blonde hair were really dazzling as they reflected the sunlight.

It’s my first time seeing Flora in her summer wear, yeah.

「…Um, do I look weird?」

Flora asked as she bashfully moved her hands when she noticed me looking at her.

「No, you’re really pretty. Those refreshing summer clothes suit you well」

「Ehehe, thank you. Your light outfit looks good too. I think it’s very handsome」


Like Flora said, I’m currently wearing a short-sleeved shirt with long pants.

In this season with the days getting hotter and hotter, wearing spring clothes would make one sweaty, so I’m wearing summer clothes that are made of thin materials today.

Moreover, since I have the handmade straw hat that was made by Flora with me, I’ll be fine no matter how sunny it is.

「…Is the hat uncomfortable?」

「No, I’m good. It fits my head perfectly and keeps it cool」

Was Flora feeling anxious because she’s unsatisfied about the hat she made? That’s absurd. This hat is already better than the normal straw hats that they sell on the streets.

In fact, she could sell this on the street as it is.

However, perhaps it was due to the fact that the hat her mom made her was even better that she felt unsatisfied with the one she made.

「I’ll work even harder to make a better one this year!」

「Okay, I look forward to it」

I gave her a straightforward answer since I can understand that she wants to give me an even better hat to wear despite me being already pretty happy to receive a handmade hat from her on my end.

「Now then, shall we get going?」


When I extended my right arm out, Flora happily reached out to it with her left hand.

Our hands intertwined as we grasped onto the other person’s hand tightly.

The warmth coming from the touch of her delicate fingers made me feel very at ease. It traveled from my right hand into my entire body and warmed my heart.

I became happy just from holding hands with her as a smile naturally formed on my face.

It’s a blessing to have her smiling right next to me.

Then, we began to walk at the same time without signaling each other to start walking.

We walked on a path leading west of our home.

Today’s weather was stunningly nice. There wasn’t a single cloud in the blue sky. The summer sun was shining on us mercilessly, but due to the straw hats protecting us, we did not feel hot.

The field that was filled with growing rice plants dyed the entire area in a vivid green. It was as if there was a green carpet unfolding before us.

The rice plants rustled as the wind blew, bringing a nice tune to my ears along with the cool breeze. Each time that happened, Flora’s hair fluttered as a sweet scent drifted in the air.

「The greenness is beautiful and I like how refreshing it is to hear these sounds」

「Y-yeah, it’s summertime already, isn’t it?」

My voice was a bit louder as I just snapped out of being deeply charmed by Flora.

Not too long ago the grass to flower ratio here was higher for the flowers, but since it’s summer now, there is now more grass than flowers. Even the slightest change on the ground can really make you feel the change in seasons.

As we softly walked on the healthy grass that had grown long, a grasshopper jumped out.

「Ah, it’s a grasshopper」

I could tell from how happy Flora’s muttering sounded that she didn’t mind insects.

Well, there aren’t any villagers who can’t deal with insects when they live a farming lifestyle. It’s only natural since they deal closely with soil and other living creatures.

However, I think I remember that insects that have many legs like spiders and centipedes were still disliked.

Only people like some sheltered nobles would be scared of any other bugs.

As we continued to walk, the grasshopper continued to hop around us.

「It kind of feels like it’s enjoying having a stroll with us」

「I wonder how far it will follow us」

We walked slowly as we watched the grasshopper.

It was a very peaceful time without much happening, but it was really fun just spending time and experiencing the same things together like this.

As we continued to walk with such thoughts in my mind, the grasshopper eventually stopped jumping as if it got tired.

Then, it made one last huge leap into the grass next to the road as we walked close to it.

「Aww, it’s gone」

「Maybe it got tired after all」

We kept on going while having such a peaceful conversation.

「Hey look, they are wearing the same hats as us」

When I looked at where Flora was pointing at, there were some people who were wearing straw hats like us probably because of the brutal sunlight. It looked like they were working on their fields.

The adults were working hard while the children ran around innocently with straw hats on their heads.

When a man who seemed to be their father yelled at them, the children ran away looking like they were having fun. The father then threw away his farming tools and chased after them.

「They look like they are having so much fun, don’t they?」

I could hear the father yelling “Waittt!” in an angry voice and the happy shouts of the children coming from afar. It was truly a peaceful scene.

As I looked at them with a smile, I noticed that a gramps and granny were walking towards us.

Right when I thought they looked somewhat familiar, I remembered that they were the same gramps and granny we saw when Flora and I walked to the village square while holding hands that one time. A chill ran through my body as if I had encountered a vicious monster in the middle of a quest.

「Hm? Ohh! Look, granny, it’s those two」

「Oh my! If it isn’t the hottest couple in the village right now!」 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

I wanted to retort with a “What are you oh my-ing about?!”.

Why are they always there when Flora and I are walking around holding hands anyways? They should live closer to the village square…I guess they are out taking a stroll too?

I could not help feeling embarrassed under their gaze that seems to be making fun of us but I did not let go of Flora’s hand. I don’t know why but I feel like if we let go of each other’s hand here it would be a loss.

I tightened the grip on her hand while she was looking down at the ground, as if I was telling Flora that there was nothing shameful about us holding hands.

Then, she looked up in surprise and smiled.

After that, we looked at the other party.



When we greeted the other side in unison, they also bowed their heads lightly and greeted us.

I was ready to be teased by them, but the gramps and granny just slowly walked by.

Was I being too alert for no reason?

I was struck by the feeling of seeing a monster that I couldn’t beat just passing by. However, didn’t they say something when they left last time? When I thought of that, I concentrated on my hearing.

Then I heard them talk just like last time.

「Did you see that just now? Aldo held Flora’s hand tight to encourage her」

I want to go ask that gramps how he knew that.

「That there was manly. On the other hand, if he let go of her hand when he saw us coming, I would have teased them」

「I was going to be the bad guy this time too, but it was nice to see their growth」

「I heard that they will be married at this year’s harvest festival. Looks like they will stay hot like the weather these days」

Those two muttered so as they left.

Different from the other villagers, I think the way they don’t come at us directly is dirty.

I don’t think I can win against those two after all.

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
Read Kill the Sun