Adopted Soldier-Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

The following day after the bet, Alex as well as Carlo headed towards Niel's house early in the morning . Lilitth who already heard that her Onii-sama was able to save the lives of the Amamamis, was very happy, so as she saw her onii-sama coming, she charged in and hugged him .

Carlo whose arms were wide open ready to receive his daughter's loving hug, was stunned as Lilitth passed him by . He simply stood there his arms wide open like a statue .

"Thank you Onii-sama!" Lilitth continued to hug Alex . Carlo on the other hand, slowly turned around and looked at Lilitth, hugging Alex .

Why is it you? Why is it you that gets a hug? Isn't that suppose to be for me? Carlo couldn't stop himself from thinking such things, as he enviously look at Alex being showered with affection by Lilitth .

"My daughter, how about me? Where's my hug? Why don't you hug your tou-chan . " Carlo desperately looked at his daughter .

Lilitth really wanted to appease her tou-chan, but due to recent events, she wanted to punish him a bit as well . She knew that her tou-chan likes it when she hugs him, so this was the perfect punishment for him .

Yet when Lilitth looked at her tou-chan's pouting face, she wanted to give in and simply hug him . It was then when Lilitth had this thought Alex spoke .

"Why are you pouting like that? It's your fault for being so obstinate yesterday . " When Carlo heard what Alex said, he suddenly knelt on the floor in a daze .

Seeing her tou-chan like this, Lilitth felt a bit relieved, the tou-chan she saw yesterday really frightened her . So seeing her clumsy tou-chan was back to normal, made Lilitth feel that it's alright now . So she let go of Alex and slowly approached her tou-chan .

Carlo slowly lifted his head and looked at his daughter . "Lilitth?"

"Tou-chan I really didn't like how tou-chan acted yesterday . . . But tou-chan did that for me, so even though I don't approve, I understand . You're only looking out for my best interest, but I really think you overreacted yesterday tou-chan . So if tou-chan apologizes, Lilitth will forgive you . " Hearing what Lilitth said, Carlo without hesitation bowed his head .

"I APOLOGIZE PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Carlo loudly declared, which shocked Niki and her family who were watching .

"That's a quick, turnaround . " Alex said with his usual indifference .

"I already lost, so why should I cling to such tiny pride . I only want Lilitth to hug me . " Carlo without lifting his head answered Alex .

Lilitth started to panic seeing her tou-chan's reaction . She couldn't help but go near him, and tried to lift his head, which Carlo resisted .

"I wont lift my head until you forgive me . " Carlo as usual was being extremely stubborn, well he the messenger of death only acted this way in front of his children .

"I forgive you already, please lift your head tou-chan . " The moment she said those lines, Carlo stood up, and hugged his daughter .

"Yay! I have been forgiven . Okay now for some hugs!"

. . .

Once the embarrassing hugging scene was done, Alex and Niel escorted their little sisters to school . For some unknown reason Niki kept on looking at Alex, as if she was scrutinizing him . Once the two had properly escorted their little sisters, the two headed towards their own school .

On the way to school the two met Oliver who told Alex if he needed him for anything like the mission yesterday he could call on him any time . The next to appear was Saya, who told Alex that she would send him the bill for using her specially made mask .

Finally the group saw Kei and approached him . Kei was a bit angry at Alex for what happened yesterday, so when he greeted him he spoke with a bit of anger in his tone .

Alex sensing Kei's hostility tried to calm him down . "Kei I'm sorry about what my dad did yesterday . So as a sort of compensation regarding that, I will give you anything you want, just name it and it's yours . "

Hearing what Alex said Kei felt a bit better . "You said anything right? Okay then, help me get the limited edition Valkyrie card in my favorite card game, Angels and Demons . " Kei asked for the hardest thing to get, that he wanted .

"Okay good, I will get it for you . So where can I buy that card?"

"That card is extremely rare, there are only five of them in existence . The only way you can get one, is if you find one of the owners and buy it from him . " Kei explained, in his mind this was an impossible task . The reason why he ask Alex this, was because he was really angry at what happened yesterday .

Even though Alex, and Carlo have already apologized, and promised to give him whatever he desired . Kei was still a bit mad, so he just wanted Alex to tell him can't get the card, and apologize once more, then he will just ask for a free meal or something similar after which he will forgive him .

Yet what Alex said next, totally derailed his plans .

"Okay then, I have informed some of my dad's employees, and they said they can get you the card and it will be given to you tomorrow morning . It will be delivered right in front of your doorstep . So anything else you want?" Alex after a short call, informed Kei about the great news .

"Umm, no that's all I need . I forgive you Alex . . . " Kei didn't know what else to say .

"Hey everyone how about later, since it's Friday let's have fun after school . " Oliver suddenly suggested out of nowhere . Ever since yesterday Oliver was in a pretty excited state, since he was able to do some cool role playing . So now to follow up on the excitement he wanted to invite his newfound friends to have some fun .

Oliver has been a loner for most of his life, because of the way he talks . So now that he had so many friends he wanted to experience having some normal fun with them . He thought now was the right moment since they know each other for a few days now .

"Damn it Oly! Now you invite me out! I can't go even though I want to . . . I need to do some work for the family business tonight . So I can't come . . . Oly are you doing this on purpose? Did you choose today of all days since you somehow knew I wont be able to come?" Saya who was always cheerful, and in the eyes Alex was the most mysterious of the club members, was now sounding really pissed .

"How should I know that you needed to help out at home . Also stop calling me Oly!" Oliver replied with a bit of irritation as well .

"Hmph! Fine I will let it go for now . But in return you need to invite me out on a date, just the two of us . " Saya told Oliver a bit poutingly .

"Huh, why should I do that?" Oliver asked confused as to why she thinks he would do what she says .

"Just do it my junior Oliver . It's not really nice, making a lady mad . " Niel advised Oliver with his usual radiant smile . "Also I wont be able to go with you guys, I have some important things to do later . " Niel's important thing was his training with Lyner . Since he hasn't told them, that at the moment he was under the tutelage of Lyner, he didn't explain what the important thing was .

"So it's going to be just me, Alex, and Kei?" Oliver spoke a bit disappointed .

"Oliver is it alright if I bring my little sister as well?" Alex asked .

"Of course my comrade . At least with your little sister we have more people . Let's go out and have some fun . " Oliver who was a bit disappointed a while ago, was happy to welcome more people .