A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special (WN)-Chapter 77: At the end of Nightmare (4)
Huge nails piercing through the air were blocked by a shield . İt was the Avalon Army of the VVestern Kingdom leading the frontline . Holding their shields up high against Dadenevvt, they were ali at around the level of knight class soldiers .
“We can’t let it advance any further!”
Frilleza’s defense force were assisting the the Avalon Army as well . The composition of their forces were mostly ordinary soldiers though, but at this time, their morale was as high as the city walls . Their hearts were a flame with the desire to defend their home against this new threat, having just beaten the Outsiders .
As the knights and soldiers fearlessly fought their corpses piled up, naturally forming barricades . VVhile they delayed the advance of Dadenevvt . the magtcians were casting spells from the re ar Third-Circle magtc . vtth some Fourth-Circle magic mixed in . flevvthrough the aır demonstrating the overvvhelming might of the Avalon Army *8oom* *60001*
İt was raining magic
Numerous magtc spells exploded across Dadenevvts body . momentahly screenmg ıts body from vievv The unprecedented plethora of magtc spells ignited hope for the knights m the fronömes . but . . .
After the smoke faded away . they couldn’t believe what they saw .
Dadenevvt s body was untouched . vvtthout so much as a single scratch The huge body seemed as good as new .
To make matters vvorse, a vvave of heat emanated from its mouth . The scorchina vvave of air forced everyone nearby . ıncluding the battie-hardened knıghts . to cover their faces The commandmg officer . Kelly . who vvas sıtuated in the fronöme was in a State of shock .
What on earth is this devi . . .
The Avalon Army vvas a troop of veteran soldters
that had fought agamst the Shadovv Wor1ds on an
ınnumerable number of occasıons . Hovvever, even
their full povvered offensive couldn’t make
thıs giant demon so much as tvvıtch
(Order Blade] dıd not do anythmg to ıt . and ali
other magic simply bounced nght off
They had never been in this kind of fight
before They couldn’t see a path to victory .
They simply didn’t know what to do . The scope of this disaster was beyond vvhat they could wrap their heads around ‘Arrrgggh!*
One of the knights screamed as his body vvas pıerced by a giant finger nail . His body vvas rapidly stained by the blood as it spread everywhere from the wound There was an ever increasing number of soldters dyıng at the shore in a similar manner . .
The knıghts and soldiers were barely holding theır line of defense . and morale was slovvly declıning Unlike them . Oadenewt looked to be in perfect condibon A mıxture of sorrow and resıgnation had started to appear on the faces of some of the defenders .
The demon itself was an impregnable fort . and as
it moved . it left a trail of slaughter in its
wake .
“Is there really no way to btock this^’
The bamcades they had constructed during the fight . and had paid for vvıth the blood of theır brothers in arms . were about to be demolıshed . The demon roared Then the rune on its body started to glow red . as if on fire Commander Kelly ımmedıately knew what thıs meant . after previously experiencmg ıt . and was about to order a retreat
But before that . a huge explosıon hit Dadenevvt’s head Dadenewf s neck . which had not moved evcn a bit from the eartıer volleys of spells . was bent at an unnatural angle . Thanks to this . the heatwave from the mouth was shot towards the sea . The sea appeared to part . as ıf fleeing from the massıve heat beam . This was a testament to the povver packed into that attack The dark nıght sky became bright as dayiıght .
And most importantiy . there were no casualbes .
Not a single person on the battiefield was hurt from this attack
Dadenevvt rolled its eyes around seekmg the origin of that magıc spell . İt was a power strong enough to actually hit and damage it for the first bme .
The magıc came from Zod Axarion .
The one and only great Seventh-Cırcle magıcıan The leader of the wortd-class Mage Tower . Unltke other magicıans . he stood in the middle of the chaobc battlefield .
“I mII cover you Conbnue the battie ‘
‘But there are so many injured . . . *
’Dont worry about that’
A vvoman’s voice came from behind them . İt was Priscıtla vvho was revered as the Saint of the Church of Artemıs .
She heıghtened her concentration by closing her eyes . A vvhite light spread out from her body and enveloped the bodies of the knjghts fighöng against Dadenevvt
Their wounds ali healed in seconds Small wounds dıdn’t even take a second to recover Severe ınjuries also healed m just a few moments Even the wounds of sotdıers vho were on death s doorstep closed and healed . Within the space of just a minute . even they could get up and resume battîıng .
(Wide Rccovcry)
İt was ındeed a power strong enough to be called a miracle . As a result . the frontline of the battle had stabılized and recovered a little bit .
Priscılla sweated lıke rain, and the color of her face quickty deteriorated .
Zod turned tovvards her .
’Don’t push yourself too hard . *
* . . . I won’t . ”
Zod looked at Dadenevvt and again cast magtc
İt was m thıs vvay that the battle continued
Romantica looked into the scope of her magıc tool caîmly . The battle conbnued to unfold in-front of her Adjest . Pram . and Desir were locked in combat against Crow Mask .
The fiaht was one-sıded Even though Adtest and Pram had joined in to support Desır . they were ali busy defcnding and runmng around avoiding Crow Mask’s attacks
That unique type of magic comes from his nght hand . . . ‘
İt was a very odd technique . İt endlessly rotated as ıt changed its shape This unknown magic technıque was mstantaneously pouring out incredible flame in great volüme İn a moment, the vhole group of buildings nearby collapsed as the streets shattered .
If I go against him in a dırect match my ‘Clothes üne’ mII break right away .
If it were Desır at any other time . he would probabîy have already reversed that magtc . but thıs bme he’s struggling just to cast magic vvhıle defendıng himself and his team .
Crash* *Bang!* Vhomp’*
İt was önce a busy Street, but now ali of the buildings lining it were shattered and destroyed beyond recognibon The skeletons that were önce hjdden now revealed for ali to see .
The magıcıan standing before them was mtghty ındeed
VVhat I can do is . . . ‘
Aim for the moment of mattenbon
Romantica felt a cool sensabon from the nfle
as she held ıt against her cheek
Crow Mask had nobced the first sniper shot and
cast defense magic in bme . His reflexes and
intuition were indescribable
But I can’t give up now . ‘
The same attack vvouldn’t work again . against him This one shot was her best chance Romantica vvanted to pull the trigger so many times already, but she controlled her impabence and conbnued to take great çare .
Through the scope, Romantica spotted Crow Mask simply avoiding Adjest s attacks .
He continued to act as if ali of the damage done by Desir and Adjests magtc attacks dtdn’t evcn faze him
Is that coat enchanted with Fourth-Cırcle magtc defense?’
İt must be simıîar to the Clothes üne’
Hovvever, even Crow Mask had to be careful of Pram’s attacks . Blood was drippıng from his side . Pram’s Blanchium sword was ab!e to penetrate defense magtc and hurt him due to ıts spectal nature As a result . Crow Mask invoked space magtc to blow away Pram and maintain a safe dıstance
Desir and Adjest also knew about this . so they tned their best to keep Pram close to theır enemy .
Adjest unfolded (Frozen Palace] magic . She tried pressıng Crow Mask vvith her most excepbonal magtcal abılıty through hundreds of projectile ice magic
However, Crow Mask was not onty good wıth spabal magtc but also a sorcerer vho was vvell versed in the magıc of fire (ünear Ray)
Crow Mask invoked magic that melted Adjests ice magic and (Frozen Palace] surrounding them İn a straight up confrontation . she was no match The pillars crumbled dovn and the chandelıer fell to the ground Ali of a sudden . spatial rifts appeared and arranged themselves into a partıcular formabon vvhıte flying tovvards Adjest Spatial magic had been invoked .
Adjest raised her sword and hasbly invoked defense sword magic .
(Magic sword: VVhısper of Kizard]
The most potent Third-Cırcle defensive magic . Desir invoked addibonal defensive magtc (Wind Coat)
Intense shockvvaves shot mto Adjest
Boom!* *Bump!* *Bang!#
She was pushed far back Luckily . she didn’t seem to be harmed İt was ati because Desır helped her out at just the nght bme
Desir helped Pram and Adjest by fending off the magtc that was cast towards them . At the same time, he was conbnually trying to reverse Crow Mask’s unusual form of magic .
The tesseract that vvas shifting shape near Crow Mask’s hand was roughly a Sixth-Circle technıque
İt changed every second and seemed to have thousands of possıble permutations . but in order to reverse ıt . it was necessary to interpret each permutabon İt woutd drive one crazy just attempting to reverse the magtc one permutabon at a bme .
not to menbon . . . me . ‘
The tesseract type of magic was indeed powerful . but it obviously consumed a great amount of povver İt vvas vısible from the movement of Crow Mask that he vvas startng to gel exhausted from maintammg it .
İn addibon . due to the conbnued struggles of other party members . he let his guard down against the smper
İt vvas the perfect opportunıty for Romanbca She held her breath and lined up the target in the crosshaır . Crow Mask’s spabal magıc vvas about to be invoked önce again Noy^’
She pulled the trigger . The Thırd-Circle magic that she had loaded . (Storm of Avaros], vvas compressed and fired vvith the help of her nfle . The magic bullet vvith the penetrabng povver of the Fourth-Circle streaked through the air and crashed into the target •Kabooom’*
A small storm erupted . The strona gust of vvind npped through everything in ıts path Crow Masks body flevv in the air and crashed mto the rubble of vvhat was önce a fountain Fınally . Romantica inhaled deeply VVas it successful?’
The dust storm settled and the figüre of a man
appeared The edge of his robe was slightiy torn
and he vvas covered in dirt
Immediately . Romantica’s hopeful mood morphed
mto dısappointment
Is he reatly a monster? . Wait ’
Hovvever, something vvas definitely different this time There was a small crack on the mask . Crack*
The crackmg mcreased in volüme vvithout anyone even touching the mask . And ıt finally töre in half and fell to the ground . His bare face had appeared .