A Nascent Kaleidoscope.-Chapter 555:

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Chapter 555:

Ah, so that's Vivian.

Well, I assumed so because that's what Artoria basically screamed in confusion and shock and had yet to dislodge the presumably old acquaintance from her. Though, it shouldn't be her Vivian, that should be just too fantastical.

Despite how nonsensical the Fae are, especially back home, there's no way she could have been tracked down and passed the world boundaries as a world terminal like she was supposed to be.

Regardless, Artoria looked at me for help and I had no idea how to handle this.

I just realized that I never accounted for there being a situation where I genuinely had hesitation about harming one of their kind. Sure, there would always be some that could be…..negotiated with, or amicable even. But even then, those were situations where my hand was merely stayed, not completely neutered like in this case.

I had to wave off a bunch of people who noticed and were about to approach. They instead stood a distance away, but ready to become involved if things went south.

"L-Lady Vivian, could you please – "

"Arthurrrrr!" She whined again, continuing to bury her head in Artoria's chest. "You let yourself go, why is your chest so flabby!?"

"….those are my breasts." Artoria forced out with red cheeks.

"Wah? Did Merlin turn you into a woman again!?"

I nearly choked once that little detail was revealed.

"I am a woman." Artoria forcibly pried the Fairy off of her, despite the woman in question basically nuzzling up against her hands the entire time.

Eventually, the strange woman seemed to calm down enough to let Artoria push her away. "Why did you get shorter?" Vivian inspected Artoria. "Or did I get taller? I don't think I made myself taller recently. But maybe I forgot."

She seemed a bit….scatterbrained.

"Well, it doesn't matter! Arthur, I missed you so much!" Vivian genuinely looked…happy? Melancholic as well. "I was so happy when I found out you were back! I didn't expect you to come here though!" She smiled.

"Lady Vivian…"

"Why do you keep calling me like that?" The Fae tilted her head with a small frown. "You….." She furrowed her brow. "You're not Arthur." She finally stood up straight, dusting off her dress and looking around. "No, that isn't right either. Oh, you're Arthur!" She clapped her hands. "You're just a different Arthur." She finished with a pleased nod of her head.

Did she….just work out Artoria's origin like that?

"Yes, I'm –"

"Arthur!" She threw herself at Artoria again.

Artoria just sighed, accepting it this time as she awkwardly consoled the strange Fae woman.

"Ahem." I not so subtly cleared my throat.

Vivian released Artoria and frowned, looking at me. "Why is there a devil here!?" She pointed at me. "Arthur, quickly slay this thing!"

"Half-Devil." I corrected.

"Oh." She paused for a moment. "Okay, Arthur, kill half of him." She corrected as well.

I felt my eye twitch because she said that without any sarcasm.

"Lady Vivian, this is Wilhelm my…..boyfriend."

"Friends." Vivan pursed her lips before tapping her balled fist into her other open palm with a look of realization. "Oh right, you humans have something strange like that."

"No it's….." Artoria floundered slightly.

"We're lovers." I helped her.

Vivian just looked at me slowly, then at Artoria, her mouth gaping in shock. "Arthur! I can't believe you!"

"Lady Vivian, just because of his Devil Heritage –"

"How is he supposed to be presentable in a wedding dress!?" She admonished Artoria. "I never liked that Guinevere, but at least she could wear pretty dresses."

"….that is what you're concerned about?" Artoria blanked.

"Do you have any idea how long I worked on Guinevere's wedding gown to make her stand out so radiantly at your wedding? What do you expect me to do with….that?" She pointed at me.

"Bitch, I would rock a wedding dress." I retorted.

"Prove it." Vivian challenged.

"Artoria, lend me one of your dresses."

Artoria let out a sigh. "Wilhelm, don't intentionally inflame the situation."

Fine, but it's true.

"And Lady Vivian, we're not at the point of marriage yet." Artoria looked back at the Fae.


Hearing that made me really happy.

Vivian tilted her head again in confusion. "I forgot how complicated you humans were." She rubbed her temples. "Why is it so difficult? Just get married." She shrugged.

Right, I think explaining the nuance here would be an exercise in futility.

"….Mayhaps we continue this in private." Artoria regained her composure quickly. This was assuredly just as strange to her as it was for me.

"Good idea! I accept!" Vivian beamed, throwing her hands up.

"Accept what –"

The Lake she manifested from, the one that appeared in the sky, it flowed down and enveloped us.

Even with My Campione Magic Resistance, I felt myself transported.

Not really teleportation….more like, it basically dragged me over to where she wanted in a physical sense.

I allowed it to happen because Artoria was right here beside me with another blank look as Vivian looked happy with herself.

The surroundings disappeared, and in all directions, all we could see was water.

That was until a cottage came into view, something that wouldn't be out of place in Artoria's time. It was sitting at the bottom of this…..this lake, most likely, and the oddest thing was that smoke was puffing out of its chimney….

The Door opened and it sucked us in.

Not a drop of water appeared on the floor despite everything.

"Welcome to my home!" Vivian said happily again, presenting a platter filled with cups of tea and some snacks. "Please help yourselves!"

Artoria and I shared a look.

There was a certain ironclad rule with Fae that I was familiar with. Essentially, she was offering us Guest Rites without verbally doing so. Something I would assume that all Fae would acknowledge without a second thought.

For humans, they wouldn't really perceive it correctly without an explanation.

Artoria and I both took a cup of tea and took a single sip, and nothing else.

The first bite, the first drink, those were protected by the Fae as a proper host. Now, if I took another sip, well, that was technically not part of the 'Rite' and that was me indulging and therefore, they could do whatever they wanted to what I was drinking from thereon. And the same with food if offered.

I knew this much at least.

Despite Vivian apparently being 'close' to Arthur, I don't think Artoria or I would take any chances.

Guest Rites were both a protection and a sword of Damocles in a sense.

It's one of the oldest traditions and Rites in the world and even extended beyond humanity.

Many Magical and Mystical defenses would be amplified to an obscene degree if someone broke Guest Rites inside your home and they were accounted for in said protections.

Hell, my home's defenses made use of Guest Rites as a means of protection.

Though, Vivian pouted. "Arthurrrr." She whined. "I already promised a long time ago that our interactions would use human standards, you don't need to be wary of me."

"I am not your Arthur." Artoria said unblinkingly.

Vivian pursed her lips but she didn't deny that either. "I should have turned my Arthur into a girl like Merlin did as a joke. You're much more graceful than that brute." She hummed.

"I must ask, why have you approached me, Lady Vivian." Artoria cut straight to the chase.

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked as if it were obvious, her brow furrowed before she rubbed her forehead. "You know, I even kept watch on your descendants! I was so annoyed when they started using your name too. But since they were your descendants, I let it be!"

"Yes…..I'm grateful." Artoria said rather carefully, choosing her words.

Vivian preened.

It seemed she genuinely was happy that Artoria was here despite acknowledging that she wasn't Arthur from this world.

But then again, she was a Fae so I wasn't going to trust her so easily.

"How did you find her?" I think it was a pertinent question in case any others could track her similarly.

"The First Dream told me!" She answered without hesitation.

"The…first dream?" I repeated.


….whatever that meant.

"Enough of that, I want to see them." Vivian put her hands on her hips.

"….see what, Lady Vivian?"

"The sword and sheath you're cheating on me with!" She declared, pointing at Artoria in accusation.

Artoria looked at me, then seemingly had a conflicting moment of thought. Eventually, it seems she relented and withdrew both Excalibur and Avalon, setting them on the table.

She must have strong emotions regarding Vivian if she was willing to do this, despite it being not her Vivian.

Vivian stared at them for a while, a blank gaze without any expressive emotion on her face. "I feel conflicted. On one hand, I can't help but marvel at these. On the other, I'm overcome by envy. Put them away, I don't want to look at them anymore." She waved her hand at Artoria.

Artoria quickly retrieved her Noble Phantasms at Vivian's behest.

"I now understand @????????????????????#???????????^?????????????????????????H??????????!?????????????$??????????????H??????????????????G??????????F??????????^???????????????$????????????????????????#????????????'s desire." She said wistfully.

She named someone, but it felt more like a screeching in my ears.

"Huh, you have his feeling about you." Vivian looked at me

"His feeling? Who are you talking about?"

"@????????????????????#???????????^?????????????????????????H??????????!?????????????$??????????????H??????????????????G??????????F??????????^???????????????$????????????????????????#????????????" She repeated. "Don't you humans all know him? Last time I was in the human world, a lot of you all worshiped him."

"Do you mean the Biblical God?" I asked.

"Is that what you call him?" Vivian just shrugged. "Oh I remember he did have a book, a Bible. I think I have a copy around here somewhere." She looked around.

"Pardon, Lady Vivian. Did you say you met him?" Artoria also seemed curious.

"Of course!" Vivian answered again without hesitation. "Who do you think taught him how to forge Excalibur?"

"Pardon–" I repeated same as Artoria "– did you say you're the one who taught the Biblical God how to forge?" I asked incredulously.


"But you just said –"

"I taught him how to forge Excalibur. He already knew how to forge. He created Caliburn, which was a pretty good sword." She praised slightly.

"Lady Vivian, could you please elaborate?"

"I don't know how much more clearer I can make it." Vivian furrowed her brow again, looking a mix between annoyed and confused herself.

"What exactly did the Biblical God come to you for?" I offered.

"Oh." Vivian seemed to understand now. "Well, after he made Caliburn, he came to me because he wanted to make a sword purely from mortal means for a mortal to wield. And I'm one of the best weapon crafters in existence!" She praised herself.

"I see." Artoria breathed out. "Caliburn was created by him as a Deity. Excalibur here was created by him through 'mortal' methods. Did I understand that correctly."

"Yes!" Vivian nodded. "He came to me and we struck a deal. I taught him as though he was a human. He said he wanted to create a weapon that held the human spirit, therefore he should be one while doing so. He even made sure to seal everything away while he was learning."


That would explain why Excalibur was perceived as the 'lesser' of the two swords here and even broke.

"Part of the deal was that he left the Sword and Sheath to me, but I would pass them on to Arthur at his behest when the time came." She spoke once more. "He left something else to me for another promise….where did I put that Key?"

"I see, you have our gratitude for answering our questions, Lady Vivian." Artoria was polite as always.

"Aww, I'm happy to help my Arthur!" Vivian beamed again. "You know you can come to me with your problems."

"I however am required to ask a pertinent question. Are you associated with this Winter Court?" Artoria looked at her.

"The Winter Court? Of course not, I'm from Avalon!" She quickly defended herself.

"Pardon is Avalon not the name of the Fae Realm?"

"No Avalon is Avalon." Vivian frowned. "Hmm, I suppose you humans wouldn't know much about here….The Winter Court is the Winter Court and I'm in Avalon, we're separated."

"Do you perhaps have a map?" I randomly asked.

"Oh, that would be a good idea!" She quickly got up and went to rummage in another room before bringing out a large piece….animal skin.

Atleast, I hope it's animal skin.

She unfurled it on the table nearby that marked the Fairy Realm in almost its entirety.

"See, this is the Winter Court. Avalon is over here." She pointed to separate places.

Artoria and I both quickly looked over her shoulder at the contents. Suffice to say, it was an utter mess, and I was saying that as someone who grew up with the human world map.

Borders seemed…. nonsensical to my eyes.

"Avalon is a separate entity?" Artoria asked again. "Different from these courts?"

"Winter Court, Summer Court. They're the two main Courts here. There is an Autumn Court and Spring Court, but…." She tapped her chin. "If I compared it in your human terms, it's like when you had Kings serving under you."

"Ah, I believe I understand, I am grateful."

From the looks of things, we're just barely on the edge of the Winter Court's territory. "What's this to the left?" I pointed to a different colored and marked location.

"That's the Tir na nóg." She replied simply.

"The Irish Land of Eternal Youth? I thought that was the place where the Celtic Deities stayed?" I asked in confusion.

"That was a misconception you humans had that I recall." Vivian tapped her chin. "The Celtic Gods, are you called them, their place is called Tír Tairngire, which seem to get mixed up for some reason."

Well, I can't say I'm an expert on Celtic Mythology, so I would take her word for it here.

And it sort of felt she was rather unconcerned by Gods in general like….they held no reverence in her eyes. She hadn't even mentioned my divinity despite my belief that she noticed it near immediately.

There also seemed to be plenty of other places marked, not just those.

"And what about these smaller ones near the location you found us, Lady Vivian?" Artoria asked.

"Oh those? I think they're some Fairy Kings that carved out their own territory." She said rather dismissively. "Why are you curious about the Courts and everyone?"

"Do…you not know why we have entered these lands, Lady Vivian?" Artoria hesitantly asked.

Vivan just shook her head.

"We are at war with the Winter Court." Artoria said plainly.

Vivian's mouth gaped slightly. "So that's what the commotion was about….maybe I should leave my lake a bit more." She muttered to herself. "How did you get involved in something like this!?"

"They attacked our home, a retaliation is expected." Artoria replied simply.

Vivian looked pensive. "I can't help you."

"I did not intend to request help."

"Why not!?" Vivian pouted.

Artoria nearly stumbled. "Lady Vivian, why are you upset?"

"You're my favorite human, you're supposed to ask me for help! Whenever there were Fairy problems, I was the one who dealt with them!" She huffed.

"But you said you can't help."

"But you still should have asked!" She crossed her arms. "Even if I couldn't directly help, I'm still a Lady of the Lake!"

"Pardon Lady Vivian, but that Title, you say it as if it has a certain meaning to it. I believed it to be a simple moniker to denote yourself." Artoria spoke in confusion.

"Did your Merlin not teach you anything?" She huffed again. "Or the Me, there was a Me there, right?"

"….yes." Artoria said quietly.

"What's that," Vivian raised her finger pointing at Artoria. "You hesitated. I demand to know as payment for you asking me so many questions."

Artoria sighed lightly. "The Vivian I know…..she was an aspect of my….Sister."

Vivian's mouth opened and closed. "That Witch?"

"Yes." Artoria said firmly.

To be honest, it was a surprise to me as well.

Morgan Le Fay was a pitiful existence. She existed in three states, Morgan the daughter of Uther and sister to Artoria, technically the rightful Queen. Second, there was Morgan Le Fay. This aspect of her was perhaps the 'evil' one from a point of view. From what Artoria found out from Merlin much later in life, the Le Fay aspect of her was a culmination of Britain's fading Mysteries and Primeval black power. The Last part, that was the 'good' aspect, the reflection of the Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, Vivian who helped Arthur in the legends.

They were all her, but at the same time, they were all separate entities that existed in the same 'vessel'.

Vivian tapped the table impatiently as she seemed to consider that new information. "My Lake is a bridge to the human world. One of the few places that will forever bridge these two places. For the vast majority of Fae, they must go through a Lady of the Lake if they wish to go to the human world."

"There are exceptions, it would seem." I said, recalling how the Winter Queen quite literally reached over to Japan.

"All others are temporary." She waived her hand dismissively. "Every so often, a pathway opens by itself, but it will eventually close. There are some more clever than others that can move between realms by themselves. And there are a select few who can force a pathway open."

"But your Lake will exist forever." Artoria reiterated. novelbuddy.cσ๓

"As long as both worlds exist, the bridge will exist." Vivian smiled. "I came into existence with the purpose of watching over the Lake. Myself, Nimue, and Ninianne are the three who exist in Avalon. There are a handful in other places, but they are…..less accessible and amicable. In the old days, I accepted payment for passage, but we agreed to close the passageways not long after Arthur died." She looked sad after speaking the last part. "From your human perspective, I technically have equal standing to the Winter Queen, but I'm far from her match."

Well, wasn't that interesting? And I felt like it was kind of odd how she constantly thought of me as human despite how weird my existence was.

"What is Avalon's standing in the entire Fae Realm?"

Vivian chuckled as if I just told a joke. "Humans are so funny. But I think I understand what you're asking. We exist by ourselves and don't involve ourselves with the constant cycle of Winter and Summer."

"Cycle? I had the impression they're constantly at war."

Vivian had a little smile still. "Summer and Winter naturally chase after one another, it's a simple fact of life." She said as if it were obvious.

I looked at Artoria and it seems we both understood her meaning even if she didn't really explain it well enough.

It was simply in their nature to be at odds with one another.

"Lady Vivian, if possible, could we trade for your map?" Artoria pointed at it.

It was an invaluable item.

"A Trade?" Vivian's eyes sparkled. "Oh my dear Arthur, your lessons really are lacking. You're trying to initiate a trade with a Fae like me?"

"I trust in the Vivian that I know in my heart." Artoria looked at her.

She didn't explicitly say she trusted Vivian, but she was more so hoping for a fair transaction while leaning on their semblance of familiarity.

Vivian's rather mischievous glint disappeared. "This is why I loved watching humans, you say and do so many unexpected and strange things. The Map isn't very valuable to me, but to you, I could imagine it's priceless. You wouldn't want to run afoul some Fairy King or another kingdom, would you my precious Arthur? Very well, take the Map."

"And what do you desire in return?" Artoria asked.

Vivian smiled brightly. "I want to come along and watch!"

Right, I couldn't see how this was going to end badly.



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