A Nascent Kaleidoscope.-Chapter 384 - 348 + Raikou Lewd

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Chapter 384: Chapter 348 + Raikou Lewd

Kisuke Urahara POV

It's not often I find myself utterly confused.

And it seems like it's been happening quite often the past couple weeks. It started off with Yoruichi telling me about a new friend she made. I didn't think much of it, my interest was a little piqued, but I was busy with other things such as keeping an eye on Kurosaki. I needed to make sure there were no problems with the exertion of Shinigami powers he had been lent by young Kuchiki Rukia.

That boy was....something special. He constantly threw away all my preconceived notions on what was normal. For instance, I did not think it was possible for someone to have two Zanpakutō spirits without having two swords.

But I digress.

I was happy to see my old friend a bit more enthused lately, so I lowered it on my priority lists even further. I know that Yoruichi isn't one to ignore any big red flags even if she has a rather playful personality. So if she didn't bring anything major to my attention, I didn't think much of it and continued as I was.

She continued to tell me a few things, and I admit that my curiosity nearly got the better of me. But she was not subtle in her warnings to let her 'friend' be.

What did she call him again – a Wizard? That alone almost made me drop what I was doing and go pay this young man a visit. And I seemed to miss my opportunity when Yoruichi asked Tessai to help him practice Kidō of all things.

I could feel my hands getting itchy.

Even Tessai only had good things to say about him.

That begged the question, what exactly was this young man? Tessai clarified Yoruichi's early statements, he called him a Magus. Meaning someone who practices Magecraft. It wasn't a term that was impossible to find throughout history, or rather myths and legends, but it was usually uttered by those in myths and legends. Perhaps stories passed down by humans who had enough Reiryoku to see Shinigami at work and formed their own beliefs.

Well, that was my thought atleast, however, I'm starting to question that logic now.

I admit I never paid much attention to.....humans. Sure, there were a few that popped up and were worth watching every century or so, but rarely do they stand out enough to be worthy of my attention. The fact that there are several in this town recently aside, I didn't care much.

Not only that, I rarely looked at things in other parts of the world. Soul Society focused the vast majority of their effort on Japan and eastern countries for a reason. The Americas out west....they have very little ambient Reishi in comparison. It's to the point where a Hollow appearing is rare. And once they do form, they almost always instinctually travel to Hueco Mundo or away from that part of the world and unconsciously navigate towards the east.

Sure, there are places in other countries that have abundance, and Soul Society does have a presence there. Many of those places are such that humans over the years even noticed the peculiarities. StoneHenge, The Easter Islands, The Mayan Civilization, certain Tribal Grounds for the Native Americans. Even Egypt is such a place that is a noteworthy 'hotspot' for spiritual activity.

However, in comparison to Japan and the neighboring countries out here, they require very little presence of Shinigami to properly manage.

It was the reason we chose to settle down in Karakura, this small and out of the way town that had nothing seemingly special about it on the surface. It was one of the most abundant natural sources of Reishi in the world. Perhaps the only place that could match it was Kyoto. It made for hiding away much easier.

It's....understandable, with my previous mindset, why I never paid attention to both the places outside of this area of the world, and the humans who lived there.

But now, I have to rethink all those previous connotations.

Especially with what happened recently.

With how a Human managed to change the weather on such a large scale with so little effort.

I admit I could maybe achieve something similar with some effort and time. Perhaps create my own Kidō spell to mimic what he did, but I keep thinking about the effort that would require me to do so and I'm reminded that Yoruichi said he merely spoke a few words and thunder clouds rolled in almost out of nothing.

He was an enigma, something I didn't even know existed. That isn't to say such things of a similar nature didn't exist in the past. The legends about the Onmyoji and such in the past had more than a smidgen of truth to them.

But this was another matter entirely. From what he told Tessai, there is an entire organization or society of similar people with such capabilities gathered in the west.

That piece of information is significant if this Wilhelm Schweinorg is a basis for their abilities.

How did such a people go under the radar for so long?

Well, that was rhetorical, because the reasons are obvious in hindsight. Soul Society doesn't really care about those parts of the world, and what they dabble in has apparently little or nothing to do with the Spiritual Aspects of the world.

Their Magic was something that operated on a completely different paradigm. There were of course other things Yoruichi told me about, but they all fell under the same umbrella of me having no idea of their existence prior to his appearance.

I wanted to call it a scheme by Aizen, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't so blatantly reveal a trump card like this. Regardless of the strength these people wield, something completely unknown to Soul Society – and myself – would also be a significant advantage on his part.

No, it's obvious that Aizen isn't involved in the slightest. Which makes the whole thing that much more exasperating.

A puzzle that I couldn't solve because Yoruichi was slapping my hand away. The few times I have spoken to him....he either deflected with an amusing strategy – I was aware of the persona I created. A candy shop owner with a white van and such – or I simply am unable to coerce anything of importance out of him.

I would be foolish to not see the danger he presented. I certainly was not lying when I said that his threats were scary. I felt that he would follow through on them, or at least try his best.

Not to mention he somehow managed to learn Kidō. Something I didn't think possible for a human to learn without help from someone such as myself. I didn't want to inflate my own ego, but I was pretty sure even Tessai couldn't help him learn with his own mastery over the art.

So many things I didn't understand, so many new things I wanted to learn and yet, they all seemed to fall to the wayside this evening.

Because as much of an Enigma that Schweinorg was, that was nothing compared to the thing he brought with him.

I had to forcibly filter certain thoughts out once I merely laid my eyes on it.

Was it reverence? Fear? Uncertainty? I don't know what emotions were invoked when I saw her for the first time.

There was only one time in my existence that I felt something similar.

When my curiosity got the better of me and I broke a taboo, sneaking a peek at the Soul King.

"Kisuke, you alright?" Yoruichi jumped onto my shoulder. "You've been kinda spacing out for a little while now."

"Sorry, I've just been...preoccupied."

"Right. Does it have anything to do with that woman that our Wizard brought over?" She asked, rhetorically at that. "Cause the moment I saw her, I felt like I should lower my head. Which....was a weird feeling."

So it wasn't just me....

"I don't suppose your friend mentioned anything...?"

"Nah, this was a surprise to me too. He just said he wanted to bring a friend with him, and I didn't think much about it. Just told him to take responsibility for their own safety. I didn't expect....that."

And by that, she probably meant how the thing in the form of a woman casually flicked away Kurosaki's Zanpakutō.

The same one that required I use my own to defend against. Granted, it took me by surprise, but no one can deny he has a substantial amount of Reiatsu at his disposal. He doesn't quite know how to wield it properly yet, but quantity is a quality of its own.

That young man is not even an adult by human standards. He had the potential to easily match a Captain if he trained a bit more. Give him a decade? And I'd wager money that only a few like the Old Man of the first Division could even threaten him anymore.

And despite that....even if he could barely be considered a novice by our standards, but he had the raw power in strides here. Yet for all of that...

"Did she bleed at all?" Maybe I should obtain a blood sample? Because I was fairly sure she was not a spiritual being. She had absolutely no Reiatsu at all. You could usually tell when someone was restraining their power. As you got closer, it became obvious. But this....she was completely and utterly devoid of any....which made no sense whatsoever.

Not a Shinigami.

Whatever she was, she was not a Shinigami.

And she was certainly not Human. My instincts were telling me that enough.

A hollow is right out as well. That would be more obvious to see. And, well, the lack of Reiatsu was a big giveaway. Even a Vasto Lorde level Hollow couldn't dream of giving off that same kind of 'presence' that she did on our first meeting.

Even now, after getting 'used' to it, and my conscious mind fighting back against this foreign instinct, it was still scratching at the back of my head.

"Her finger wasn't even pricked. Literally, the kid didn't even break the skin." Yoruichi said quietly. "Kisuke, any idea what kind of monster he brought with him?"

".....force once, I am completely clueless." I pulled my hat down a little bit as I noticed her glance this way. I felt a shiver, almost like disapproval and it made me react without thinking.

"....Quincy?" She offered.

"No." I shook my head. That was the last on a very short list we were aware of. We were of the very few Shinigami aware that the Quincy weren't quite so extinct as many would believe. But even still, there was no way she was a Quincy.

A Quincy, even their king in ages past, was someone who dominated Reishi.

It's almost as if...she exists above it and it doesn't even react to her presence.

"Shit." She hissed. "Y'know, I'm not like you that can't leave something alone. But....this is making me kinda nervous. I don't like not knowing something like this."

"Just...keep an eye on them for now." I lightly pat her head. "I'll get started on making the gateway. See if you can't find anything out." f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

"Roger." She chirped, disappearing over towards the others.

One enigma after another....

It's throwing my own plans into disarray as it were.

I can only hope that it's beneficial to us in the long run.


Izanami POV

I have not had this much fun in awhile. I suppose the only other mark of that was the last time Wilhelm took me to do something ridiculous.

Everything just seems so much....brighter when he is around. The mundane things I do around my house become something else entirely when he drops by. The passing of time also seemed to slow down to a crawl these past months.

I barely noticed how the years have gone by beforehand as I carried myself from one thing to another to preoccupy my mind.

Another world. It was something I didn't even consider previously and look at me now?

I was in another world where....I didn't truly exist. So many strange and wonderful things that appeared around me.

It was refreshing that someone as old as I could experience this feeling of discovering something new.

This was the happiest I can remember myself being in many – many years.

And I have almost all of it to thanks to the foolish boy who was just smiling next to me. A smile that....made my heart pick up pace when it was directed at me.

What a strange place he brought me to. This Spiritual world that seemed so happy to greet me once I took my first steps. I could feel the land practically cry out once I touched it with my Divine Power and it responded to my call just as it would back home.

And the denizens of this world – the ones behind the curtain are almost entirely Spiritual beings. I could feel the weight of my Authority press on them every time we met. I didn't even have to intentionally let it out, just their existence was one subservient to mine own.

It was interesting to see Spirits able to shrug it off with some effort. Especially the ones here who continued to stare at me when they thought I wasn't looking.

Wilhelm did warn me that there were some that were exceedingly powerful. Even with my existence being objectively above theirs on the hierarchy of Kami.

I could vaguely feel their level of power even if their strengths were drawn from something I wasn't too familiar with.

The one with the hat who continued to try and pry open my secrets with his eyes. I could vaguely say he was around the top of Ultimate class – for whatever that was worth. While the system the Devils created wasn't' exactly thorough in its ability to gauge someone's strengths, it was enough to give a rough idea.

Even if someone near the peak of the class could handle thousands of those who barely entered. I suppose it was better than nothing because we never really had a unifying system of measurement beforehand.

"Is everyone ready!?" The man in the hat whispered something to the Spirit hiding in the form of a cat before exclaiming happily, that fan of his waving around. "I'm about to get started if no one has any complaints!"

No one did speak up. The....children were more or less stoic or nervous. The young lady of the group is the most out of the bunch.

She seemed very kind, I would not allow anything to happen to her. The Half Japanese boy next to her as well, he had a good heart from the few moments we've interacted. I do not know about the one in the glasses, but Wilhelm didn't say anything. And the orange haired boy was scowling and sulking after not being able to hit me.

They were all children born under my Daughter's sun, I would not allow them to die on this venture, as irresponsible as it was to send children to the supposed afterlife to siege it.

Yes, being told the details of this endeavor made me realize why Wilhelm asked for assistance when he usually handles things on his own. This was a monumentally idiotic goal they set out on and it would wind up with all of them killed.

"Now, everyone look at me!" He posed for a moment until reality sort of shifted around him. Like something bleeding out onto the physical world, four pillars hot out of folded space, forming a rectangular gateway.

"So this is it?" The Orange Haired boy walked forward. "Alright, let's get started." He appeared to get ready to walk through.

"Not so fast." The owner of this place jabbed him with his cane, setting the boy rolling on the ground. "Explanation time!" He clapped. "Now, the place you're going to is Soul Society. To put it bluntly, only souls can exist there. And since Kurosaki-kun is the only one among you all that can separate his soul from his body, that presents a little problem~"

"Oh no, looks like our plan was ruined before it began. Guess it's time to head back and admit defeat." Wilhelm chimed in with his brand of dry sarcasm.

"Don't worry!" The Shopkeeper didn't seem to get upset in the slightest. "It's why I created this." He gestured to the gate behind him. "I could bore you with the details. And the monumental effort I put into solving this problems. The sheer amount of money I had to spend. The planning and –"

"We get it." The Orange Haired boy scowled. "Thanks for the help."

He chuckled. "Okay, okay." His tone turned to something more serious. "To put it simply, this will convert your physical matter into Spiritual matter. So you can go on to Soul Society in your 'bodies' without any problem."

"That actually sounds somewhat impressive." Wilhelm replied.

And I had to agree with him on that notion. I still didn't know the finer details about everything here, but that sounded like something complicated.

"I will accept the compliment." He grinned. "But be warned, you only have Four Minutes to travel through the Dangai, otherwise you'll be trapped there forever."

"Pardon?" I asked for clarification.

Seeing him stiffen was...interesting. "It seems I need to explain fully. In Between dimensions exists a sort of....pathway. This is called the Dangai. Time and space don't always operate on the same threshold so Soul society created something to....sweep the place so its existence was not 'abused'. If you take longer than Four Minutes to reach Soul Society from stepping inside, the Dangai itself will devour you and if you're unlucky, the Kōtotsuwill sweep you up in its current."

"Alright, sounds easy enough." Kurosaki Ichigo nodded to himself. "Let's get going."

"Remember, only four minutes from the moment you step inside. So you all may want to head in together." The Shopkeeper glanced our way.

"A little problem with that." Wilhelm spoke up.

"A problem?"

"It won't work on either of us." He said plainly.

"....It should work correctly. Unless....there's a specific reason..?" He unfolded his fan, looking at us in anticipation.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own means. You lot go through first, we'll catch up." Wilhelm gave them a wave to go forward.

"You sure?' The Cat asked.

"Trust me." He smiled and the Cat nodded.

"Alright, everyone, get ready."

The Pillars that made up the strange doorway erupted in a show of light, and a portal began to form in the middle.

They all looked at each other and without any words, they all pushed through together.

I could admire their courage.

"We shouldn't keep them waiting." Wilhelm held his hand out as he took a step forward.

"Yes, it would be rude." It appears he's already calculated everything and I happily took his hand, doing my best to not let my emotions reflect on my face.

"It's not too late to head through this way." The Shop owner tried to nudge us again.

I shared a look with him and I held up my free hand, extending a finger. I made eye contact with the man and touched it with my finger, attempting to have it push through.

The entire thing shuddered. It immediately cracked and shattered at trying to alter my composition.

I could see his eyes widen behind that fan of his and I took a slight amount of amusement in his dumbfounded expression.

"Shall we?" I asked.

He smiled, his Aura flaring up and his sword swiped through the air, tearing through reality and revealing a strange cavern. I trusted him so I didn't question it, and he led me right through.


"This was not what I was expecting." I looked around at the strange place. The walls looked like they were made of purple mud and it was...decaying all around us. There were even massive skeletons being devoured by the...slime flowing everywhere.

Space and Time were horribly twisted in every direction. I didn't even need to have Wilhelm's abilities when it came to this sort of thing to understand how utterly distorted this place was.

"Took you long enough." The cat hopped onto Wilhelm's shoulder. "If you had taken even a second longer, we would have left."

"The time dilation is more even here right where we entered. We should still have nearly four minutes even with the few extra seconds we took." Wilhelm informed everyone. "But don't dally, let's get moving."

We immediately began moving, I honestly didn't know where were going, my sense of direction was.... disjointed here. However, the Cat was verbally navigating for us around every corner.

....Wilhelm didn't realize he was still holding my hand....I did not wish to inform him again.

"Shit was it this one or....left, gogo." The cat's paw shot up. "And don't touch the stuff here, it's meant to trap souls! If it touches you, it's all over."

She said that right as a big blob of the stuff fell down from above, and with some sort of....intelligence, it tried to grab at everyone ground it.

"This stupid thing – "

"Don't use your Zanpakutō you idiot!" The cat slapped the Orange Haired boy before he could take his sword out. "Don't look back, keep running!"

"Hey, what's that!?" The one with the glasses called out.

And I noticed it as well. There was a light coming from behind it.

"Shit it's the Kōtotsu, I didn't think we'd run into it. Unlucky." The cat clicked its tongue. "Hurry up, it's the same as everything else here, don't let it touch you."

It looked like....a train?

"It's moving pretty damn fast!" Ichigo shouted.

"If you have time to look back, then run faster!"

This....was not an ideal situation. Though.....I paused my steps.

"Izzy?" Wilhelm stopped with me.

"What are you two doing!?" Yorucihi hissed. "Hurry and – "

I could...feel its presence. It had a tiny amount of intelligence to it. Its existence was strange, almost like a spiritual robot if I had to describe it. I reached out, my Divinity filled my words as I looked at it. "Stop." I commanded.

It came to a screeching halt, stopping a few meters from me.

And I could faintly understand that it was waiting for orders. "Continue your duties once we leave." I told it.

"...what." The Cat stared wide-eyed.

"Well, that helps." Wilhelm chuckled. "Come one, we still have plenty of time before the rest of this place tries to make us into a snack."

"Oh, I think I see the exit up ahead!" The adorable girl declared, making us all look towards where she was pointing.

"...I don't even know anymore. Just....let's hurry up." The cat sighed in resignation. "Everyone through the opening!"

I was just following Wilhelm and he didn't speak against it. And I admit to having quite a lot of fun on this whole thing, so I happily jumped through with everyone else.

Except, I didn't quite expect to suddenly fall down from the sky as soon as light hit my face. But I felt hands wrap me up and before I realized it, Wilhelm was carrying me in his arms.

I felt my heart beat quicken again at the seemingly inane action. I didn't dare look up at him like this, I did not know how I would appear before I had a moment to catch myself.

I felt the shockwave of us hitting the ground through his arms as everyone seemed to land safely. The others were on a floating golden shield that the young girl made.

"....you can let me down now." I managed to utter even if....a small part of me wished to continue.

".....sorry for just....moving on my own." He cleared his throat and neither of us looked at each other in the eyes.

"It's quite alright." I reassured him.

I steadied myself, and changed my mindset. I was about to explore an entirely different afterlife in a new world.

I took my first step onto the ground, and the world quaked.



I was reminded the other day that I had completely forgotten to add this.

Raikou Lewd


I carried Raikou upstairs in my arms. My servant who was usually so happy and full of smiles was covering her face with her hands, her eyes peeking out between her fingers. Maybe it was because I grabbed her while everyone else was watching, and she could hear the giggles of my other girls, but Raikou was acting so bashful.

She is way too adorable.

I gently placed her down on the bed, squirming in anticipation.

Were they any words that needed to be said at this point? Raikou knew me in a way that the others really didn't. It wasn't anyone's fault or intentional, the bond between a Servant and a Master just made it so we were intimately familiar with each other.

That's probably why she hasn't taken the step for this point, even though she clearly is excited by it. She was letting me get over some of my own hold ups due to our initial meeting. I fully admit I was hesitant due to her immediately sliding right into being my partner, beyond just a Servant.

I felt like I would be taking advantage of her, but those feelings were easily swept away when even Artoria pointed out that I was being ridiculous.

If Raikou didn't want this, she would say something. No, instead, she was looking forward to it probably just as much as I was.

I took her foot into my hand, sliding off her shoes one after another. Her cute little toes wiggled infront of me. My hands slowly worked their way up her leg until I got to the hem of the long skirt she was wearing. She let out an adorable noise when I gave her thigh a squeeze.

There was no way I couldn't tease her when she was being so cute. I leaned in, kissing her inner thigh and slowly worked my way upwards. My hands caressed all up her legs, but I continued to stop before going too far. However, the twitching of excitement and her legs moving awkwardly told me that I was getting the reaction I wanted.

"Master~" Raikou whined, biting on her thumb.

My cute Raikou.

I stopped, stretching forward to claim her tasty lips. "Take it off." I whispered, tugging on her skirt.

She let out a cute little whine, finding the zipper on her skirt and I shuffled a little to help her pull it off. Her long and magnificent legs were fully exposed with not but a black, lacy thong hiding her most precious place.

I nudged at the corners of the sweater she was wearing and started to push it up, she held her hands up as I pulled it off, showing a matching bra that seemed to barely contain those gigantic breasts.

Just taking off her sweater made them bounce enchantingly.

"My son is naughty, always staring at mommy's boobs." she said teasingly. "They already belong to Master~" She reached around and unhooked her bra, slowly taking it off for me. They bounced free and I couldn't take my eyes off of them.

Before I knew it, they were already being squeezed in my hands. The soft and squishy boobs of hers, they belonged completely to me. I barely registered another thought when I was already latched onto one of them, my tongue playing with her nipple as she let out a cute little moan.

Her other one was being gently rolled between my fingers and I could feel her hand run through my hair. "Fufu, master can enjoy my boobs as much as he wants. I don't have any milk yet, but mommy doesn't mind if you suck on them."

I would freely admit that I was more of a legs and by extension, ass guy. That being said, Raikou's chest was impossible to ignore. I could honestly sit here and play with her boobs for hours without getting bored.

With a pop, I let go of the one in my mouth, looking up at her beautiful face. The flushed red with that clear enjoyment present, it was utterly adorable.

I was by no means a selfish lover, and I really wanted to see Raikou lose her composure.

And she certainly deserved the best treatment~

With a grin, I slid down to between her legs, slowly pushing them wide open.

I could already see her arousal before I even began to take her panties off. She made the cutest sounds when I finally tugged at them and slowly pulled them off.

Like all of my girls, she was absolutely beautiful in all aspects. She had a little bit more hair down here than the others, but it didn't detract in the slightest.

I wasted no time, my fingers already began running around her entrance, mixing with her juices. Once I felt it was good enough, I slowly pushed inside.

"Mmm." She quietly moaned as her folds tightened around my two fingers.

She was a little tight, but it was enough that two of my fingers could move around without too much effort. It didn't take long before she was practically a dripping mess as I continued to stir her up.

"Master, mommy is ready." She breathed out huskily between a few pants. She was completely flushed with a hint of embarrassment.

I paused for a moment, looking up at her. "But I wanna see hear Raikou's lewd noises." I leaned down, my tongue began tracing around her clit while I continued to move my fingers.

"Ah~" She breathed out, her hips moving around uncontrollably, her legs squirming with each movement of my fingers. "I'm supposed to take care of master." She whimpered, trying her best to hold back another moan.

I found the place that got the biggest reaction out of her, and I lightly hooked my fingers, making her hips arc upward a loud whine escape from her hips. Seeing how she was reacting, I thought she was getting close. I began sucking on her clit, immediately, her eyes widened, and her back arced. I guess it was enough to send her over the edge because her eyes rolled up a slight bit as well. "Hnnn, Ahhhhh." She cried out, trying her best to continue moving her hips with my fingers.

Her juices flowed out, and ecstasy overcame her. My fingers were utterly soaked and she practically refused to let me go with how tight she was squeezing down. But I gave her a moment to catch her breath without stimulating her further.

She covered her face once she regained her composure. "It's too embarrassing. Master saw mommy in such an embarrassing way."

It's funny, despite how sensual and seductive she was, she also had this cute and bashful side to her when it came to intimacy. She was thoroughly embarrassed at me seeing the face she made when she had an orgasm.

As hard as I was right now, and how much I wanted to claim her completely.....I felt a little bit of sadism bloom in my heart.


"Are You close?" I asked, my fingers continued to move in and out of Raikou's pussy. I lost track of how long I had been playing with her, but it'd been a while at this point.

Her ass was up in the air and her face was buried in a pillar. It was a hard thing to resist indeed. That bouncy butt of hers was so inviting, and a part of me just wanted to ruin her. But I settled on just making her a mewling mess.

Her only response to my question was a muffled moan and continued squirming in place.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep going until my Raikou is completely satisfied." I teased her a little bit.

It's not like I wasn't enjoying spending all this time focusing solely on her.

Seeing her ass shake so enticingly, I gave her a little slap, earning another cute moan.

It would be a crime not to do anything to this amazing ass.

With my free hand, I spread her cheeks apart and thumbed her back entrance.

"Masterrrrrrrrr." She threw her head up with a gasp, my thumb pushing inside. She practically collapsed and another wave of juices nearly exploded out of her.

Though, her big bouncy ass was still sticking up in the air.

And I couldn't hold myself back anymore. 𝑓𝘳𝑒𝑒𝘸𝑒𝑏𝓃𝑜𝑣𝑒𝓁.𝘤𝑜𝓂

Not to mention she was more than ready for me at this point. I shifted myself, lining my cock up with her entrance and lightly prodded her. She immediately jerked her head upwards with a very excited look on her face.

"Master." She breathed out, her hand running between her legs and her fingers spreading her lower lips. "Mommy will take all of you right here."

Could anyone resist this?

My cock began to spread her pussy as my head entered. I grabbed her hips and continued to push myself into her depths. It was a might tighter than when I used my fingers, her folds immediately began squeezing me with every inch that went inside.

"Oooh." Raikou exhaled. "My son is inside of me." She exclaimed, the arousal clear in her tone.

...I would freely admit that her playing the role of my 'mother' in this moment did....things to me. And by the sounds of it, I think Raikou enjoyed that aspect too.

But she was right, she shuddered when I pushed against her, but she took every inch of me inside her.

This Servant had finally become fully mine.

I pulled back with a grunt, and in one swift motion, thrust forward again.

"Ahhh." Raikou let out a surprised moan at my sudden motion.

Her ass rippled as I slammed into it from behind. She quickly regained her composure and met each of my thrusts with push of her own hips.

"Master~ Your mother is a lewd woman." She panted. "Please fill mommy with your seed. Mommy wants children!"

I don't know how I felt about having children right now, but I was way too caught up in the moment and it just made me too excited to give any further thought.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me with a final thrust. I didn't hold myself back in the slightest, having played with her for so long, I was unbelievably horny right now. With another groan, I felt it build up to the tipping point and my cum spilled out into her deepest parts.

I panted a little bit, with each trust, I released everything I had stored up. Her womb filled to the brim with my seed.

"Mnn.. ahh." She tensed as I slowly pulled myself out of her one more time. She quivered and trembled in place with a small whine once my cock was finally free.

I laid back to take a breath.

Raikou shuffled over, an utter look of content on her face. "Master filled me with his warm stuff." She rubbed her belly.

Seeing her chest bounce again, and the sultry look she had when said that... "Give me a moment, and I'll make sure to give you a refill."

She pursed her lisp. "Master was naughty, bullying your poor mother." She sat herself up. She was a mess, a beautiful, sweaty, and stick mess, but a mess all the same. "Mommy is going to punish you in return~"

"What –"

She grabbed my twitching cock. It was firm, not too hard, but enough to send a shiver down my spine.

She didn't even give me a moment to catch my breath, her hand started pumping my full length. Her fingers were squeezing in all the right places, rubbing from my tip down to the base.

And the no-nonsense look she had, the way she sternly stared at me, it just made me even harder.

Her other hand went a little further below, taking hold of my balls into her palm and rolled them in her hand. It sent a jolt through my entire body.

I had to clutch at the sheets of the bed. Her movements were way to good and she knew exactly how to get a response out of me.

I would not last long at all like this.

She looked a little smug, obviously noticing my situation. She met my eyes and licked her lips. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she lowered her head down on my member. Her tongue gave me an initial taste, a little taste as it probed my head.

She still maintained eye contact with each movement. Her tongue explored my tip gently, teasingly. And once more, without any warning, she lowered her head down completely, my member disappearing halfway into her mouth as her head bobbed up and down.

"Gulghk." The sound of air being pushed out of her throat as my cock disappeared completely inside of her. Her attack continued unabated and I could even feel my toes curl under her movements. "Gulghk, Gulghk."

She refused to allow my cock to leave her throat, her tongue caressed every inch of my cock, and every time her head bobbed down, her throat would contract and squeeze me. She was doing her absolute best to milk me completely with each of her movements.

"Raikou..." I breathed out, my fingers moving through her hair.

I didn't even need to do anything, I didn't even push her down, she did that all herself. She grabbed hold of my legs and latched downwards.

My hips pushed upwards and I felt myself release for the second time in such a short time frame.

Her eyes flicked to mine, and she gulped down everything I gave her.

Slowly, her head pulled away. My still twitching cock fell out of her mouth.

At this point, I was the one who was out of breath.

"Yummy." She licked her lips.

"Succubus." I groaned, catching my breath for the second time.

"My Son needs more punishment." She gripped my cock again, making shudder once more. However, she let go a moment later. And instead, she pushed her massive breasts up and plopped them around my cock, nestling me between them nice and firmly. "Mommy is going to help you release everything~"

And I believed her.


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by 𝙛𝓻𝙚𝙚𝔀𝙚𝓫𝓷𝙤𝒗𝙚𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎

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