A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 881: Danger Is Real & Eating Dragons

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[The girl's POV]

Once all the groups were back, they met up at Archer's new palace, where he was being tended to by Fianna, Lucrezia, and Aisha. Many White Dragon Knights guarded it alongside a cohort of Dragon Legionnaires.

Fifteen girls of different races and kingdoms were gathered in a meeting room as a distant explosion echoed through the palace. The room, though sparsely decorated as Archer preferred, was beautifully painted.

The white walls with violet trim mirrored his scales and eyes, a detail that had enchanted the girls when they first saw it. Ella stood up and addressed the group, her voice steady and clear. "Ladies, since our return, Draconia has faced numerous attacks. The Novgorod Empire and the Church of Light have allied to fight against Archer. They are gathering many of Thrylos powers to stand against us."

The group nodded in understanding as determination burned in their eyes, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Ella continued, "Most of us must stay here to defend our husband's kingdom. Only five of us can go to secure the Holy Leaf so we can bring Archer back to us."

The women exchanged determined looks, ready to take on their roles in protecting their home and Archer's vision. Ella paced the room while informing everyone who would retrieve the last ingredient.

"Myself, Halime, Nala, Talila, and Maeve will go to Verdantia to recover the Holy Leaf," Ella revealed. "The rest of you will protect Draconia. The generals believe the central powers are exploiting Pluoria's efforts in clearing out the Swarm."

Ella noticed a few of the women looked ready to protest. She quickly added, "Your strength is needed here to hold back the tide until Archer can wake up and join the fight." Standing before the fourteen ladies in Archer's life, Ella could see their bond and a fierce desire to aid him.

She reassured them, "By staying here, you're helping more than you know." With some reluctance, they all agreed, understanding the critical importance of their roles.

After sorting that, Aisha returned and greeted the large group of women who smiled at her before Ella assigned the ones staying here roles, "Leira, Seraphina, Llyniel, Hemera, and Demetra, you girls will defend Northern Draconia alongside the legions."'

She looked at the five, who nodded before continuing, "Nefertiti, Teuila, Hecate, Kassandra, and Lucrezia. You ladies will defend Southern Draconia. That should even out our power so the whole kingdom is covered."

Kassandra quickly commented, "Should us Sea Titans destroy any enemy fleets that come close?"

Ella and Aisha nodded before the dragonkin woman took over. "Yes, that would be for the best, but the Novgorodians know about you girls and will no doubt have a countermeasure." ''But that doesn't mean we cannot help, as the Wyvern Legions are nearly done training. The first five thousand will be ready to deploy immediately," Aishe finished.

"That's why you've kept most of us dragons back, for extra firepower if they break through the navy," Hemera mumbled, attracting everyone's attention.

Ella nodded with a smile, "Exactly. We currently have six Battlefleets patrolling the island and four powerful Titans, which should be enough. Unless they have a secret weapon, we don't know about."

Following that, they spent the days catching up and filling each other in on their journeys. Sera, Kassandra, and Demetra brought out some strong wine they all partook in until the moon shone above.

Ella stood on the balcony, looking out over Draconia. Hemera and Nala stumbled out tipsy. When the lioness saw the half-elf, she raised her glass, spilling her wine. "Our glorious leader! We will ride into the monster's jaws together!" she exclaimed.

Hemera giggled, "Most of them are sleeping or still drinking, but Nala wanted to see you." "Are you not afraid, Hemi? Because I am," Ella asked, sipping her wine.

The sun elf sensed the gravity in her friend's blue eyes, gently guiding the drunk Nala to a nearby chair before approaching Ella. She took her hand and spoke softly, "It's natural to feel fear, El. It reminds us we're alive. But despite our fears, retrieving the Holy Leaf is crucial to saving Archer."

Hemera gazed out at the distant mountains, her voice carrying a mixture of nostalgia and hope. "Ella, do you want to know what I saw in my dreams all those years ago?"

The half-elf nodded, her curiosity piqued.

"A paradise," Hemera began, her tone tinged with earnestness. "A world of peace and happiness. Where our children can grow up without the specter of war or the burden of hatred for their heritage. Archer dreams of a world where starvation and suffering are relics of the past. Where no child perishes at birth, and no family suffers from hunger." Looking up, Hemera continued passionately, "It's for that world that I fight. Thrylos has known nothing but conflict and bloodshed. We must unite before the Dark Gods descend. Archer represents our only hope; all we can do is summon our courage and stand by his side in this fight."

Ella nodded with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting fond memories. "You're right. At first, when he shared his dream with me, I didn't fully grasp it. But now, seeing Draconia thrive and witnessing the joy in people's lives, I believe in him wholeheartedly. When he was younger, I feared he might succumb to madness. Yet, here he is, creating something so beautiful for everyone."

"Hemera, Archer is unlike any dragon I've known," she continued softly. "He not only cares for his people but also for us, his chosen companions. It's a rare trait among his kind, where self-preservation often reigns supreme."

The sun elf beamed as she spoke wise words, "Danger is real, fear is an illusion, but this world is changing, and we decide into what."

Ella nodded with a smile as the girls prepared to depart early the next morning. The following day, a large group of girls gathered at the Stormwatch Port Naval Base to bid Ella, Halime, Nala, Talila, and Maeve farewell.

Demetra leaped into the water and shifted into her Demon Shark form. The five girls swiftly climbed onto her back before she plunged beneath the surface, swimming out of the port and

heading northeast.


[Sia & Mary's POV]

When Mary arrived back at their temporary base, followed by another horde of insects, it creeped Sia out, who complained, "Why do you always have to bring back more?"

The grey-haired woman smiles, "We'll need as much help as possible. The central powers are scheming, so we have to be careful."

Sia grunted in response as the scorpion-looking monsters crawled up the walls and made a home in the extended cavern. Mary had found some creatures called Burrow Beetles and beat up the leader, gaining control of them.

They had lost track of time in the depths of the Underrealm, Mary reassuring Sia that they were still on schedule. The Arachne allowed their eggs to hatch, swelling their ranks with new


Mary and Sia had found a corner in the chamber that the creatures seemed to avoid. Among the Giant Centipedes, spiders, beetles, and other creatures, the dragonkin woman couldn't help but remark, "All this chittering and those many legs give me the creeps."

The older woman chuckled softly. "If you find these unsettling, just wait until we venture


Sia's face went pale. "What do you mean?"

"There are millions of monsters dwelling below the surface," Mary explained. "Archer may seek to conquer the surface, but it's the Underrealm that will truly test his resolve."

"You think Archer will want to control this place?"

Mary nodded, "He will have to; this is where the Terravians come from, along with many other vile races that have their eyes set on the surface world," she said with a smile.

"That's bad, what about the Nameless Things?" Sia questioned. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

"They don't involve themselves in the surface world; only my sisters and I are entwined in the surface, trying to help out the Light Gods in their battle with the darkness," Mary said while

cooking a fire.

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Sia didn't say anything and waited for dinner. When she returned to their chamber, she saw Warrior Spiders patrolling the tunnels that the Burrow Bettles had dug a few hours earlier. She heard the sounds of a vicious battle, which made her jump.

Mary reassured her, "The Warriors have found some Under Ants and are battling their way

through the colony."

The grey-haired woman took out some meat before positioning it above the fire as she continued, "We will have to deal with the Under Queen and her bodyguard once we finish


Sia gave her a nervous nod as spiders poured out of the tunnels, and a beetle blocked the way as the Under Ants chased them. When Mary saw this, she let out a resounding hiss that scared


The dragonkin woman stared at her friend, her eyes widening. "Sometimes I forget you're not

human." "Sometimes I remember when I used to have dragons for breakfast, but now I'm engaged to one!" Mary quipped, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Sia shivered, then screamed as one of the Warrior Spiders brushed her with its furry leg. She leaped into the air and hastily hid behind Mary, peeking out cautiously. The grey-haired woman giggled, "It's saying hello, Sia; stopped being a baby."'