A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 878: Bloody Escape & Missed You Dearly

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[Nala, Llyniel, Leira, Sera, Ella, Halime and Ashoka's POV]

When the seven girls spotted Tigerclaw Bay City in the distance, it was chaos as the Ganeshian army kept blasting their magic at them. Nala and Leira dodged many spells, but some still managed to hit, causing them to growl in pain.

As they got closer, they noticed at least 100,000 soldiers were blocking their escape, which annoyed them because the spells didn't stop coming. When Ella saw this, she quickly ordered them to charge through as the Dragon Marines were waiting.

"Girls! Keep going; I will clear the way!" Ella shouted, drawing her bow.

"You better be right behind us!" Nala growled, dodging another blast.

"Always," the half-elf replied, releasing her arrows.

They soared over the battlefield, landing among the soldiers and triggering massive explosions. Halime unleashed a torrent of poison breath as they closed in, and a line of spearmen attempted to block Leira's advance.

When the poison struck the soldiers, horrifying screams echoed across the battlefield. The girls soon realized they couldn't break through the army, prompting the others to prepare for transformation.

Halime leaped off Leira's back, morphing into her Black Mamba form and crashing into the heart of the enemy forces. Everyone else transformed into their Primal and dragon forms, ready to annihilate every enemy they could get a hold of.

Together, they charged into the Ganeshians, tearing them apart. While the others attacked the enemy soldiers, Llyniel cast spells into the crowd, forcing them to retreat. Suddenly, a sharp pain struck her, causing her to fall off Nala's back as a bright light radiated from her body.

When this happened, the other six girls circled Llyniel, who screamed in pain as she transformed into a Nature Dragon. Her scales were green and brown, and she grew as large as Ella, Hemera, and Hecate.

As the wood elf regained her senses, she let out a deep roar that shook the ground. That's when she unleashed a dragon's breath of green fire, burning the soldiers to ash. Nala slammed into a group of soldiers and turned them into bloodmist with a swipe.

Leira moved swiftly across the battlefield, her reflexes enhanced to dodge numerous attacks. Those that managed to strike her glanced harmlessly off her thick purple fur. Halime shielded her, using her tail to crush hundreds of adversaries.

Meanwhile, Sera, Ella, and Llyniel unleashed a carpet bombing of dragon breaths, creating havoc amidst the enemy ranks. Ashoke carved a path toward Tigerclaw Bay's wall, prompting the others to follow suit. They surged forward, vaulting over the wall.

Upon crossing, Ella reverted to her humanoid form and launched several explosive arrows at the gate obstructing their path. The group transformed before charging through the city in pursuit.

Nala, Sera, Ashoka, and Ella swiftly dispatched every soldier who dared to obstruct their path, while Halime, Leira, and Llyniel ensured their rear remained secure. After sprinting for ten intense minutes, they came upon a shieldwall manned by the Dragon Marines.

Realizing the strategic opportunity, the girls launched a surprise attack from behind, decimating the enemy forces to the last man. With the port cleared, they hastened towards the waiting boats.

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As they embarked, the Battlegroup materialized, unleashing a barrage of cannon fire upon the enemy army and the city itself. All seven girls and the remaining marines boarded the rowboats and started rowing toward the Draconia ships.

The group witnessed mana shells raining down on Tigerclaw Bay, setting off explosions that ignited a fiery storm. With the enemy momentarily deterred, they reached the Battleship and swiftly boarded.

Afterward, Ella directed the captain to set course for the island where they had previously convened before launching their raid on the Verdantia Continent. The girls settled in aboard the ship, taking the opportunity to rest and recover before reuniting with the rest of their friends.

It took the Battlegroup two days to reach the island where they were supposed to rendezvous with the other girls. Ella suspected they might arrive ahead of schedule, but their plans shifted when Nefertiti sent an urgent message.

She informed them about a combined fleet from Novgorod, Nightshade, and the Church of Light converging near Draconia. Upon receiving this news, the seven girls swiftly prepared to return to the kingdom.

Ella, Sera, and Llyniel readied themselves to transform into their dragon forms, eager to fight any enemies they encountered on their journey home. Luckily, it was a peaceful voyage, and they weren't bothered by anyone.


[Archer's POV]

While the girls were rushing around, Archer was trapped in a world of black due to his body failing him. Soon, someone he knew visited him and cast a spell that stabilized his injuries at great cost.

He opened his eyes only to see Tiamat looking down at him with a smile. Archer soon realized he was lying on her thighs as she played with his hair. When the goddess noticed he was awake, she spoke, "So the spell worked; it's good to see you finally awake, my love." Archer gave her a weak smile, which caused pain to hit him, but Tiamat quickly spoke, "Try not to move. The poison has done the same damage to your soul as your body suffered. I've been slowly healing you, but the girls have gone after ingredients that little Lucrezia needs to heal you fully."

"Okay. Thanks for your help, Tia," he said with a weak smile.

Tiamat stopped moving, and as her smile grew even wider, she pulled out a comfortable pillow and placed it under his head before cuddling up to him. Archer was confused, but when she kissed him, his body shuddered.

The dragon goddess slipped her tongue into his mouth before a battle erupted as Archer attacked her tongue in return. Soon, she backed off with a beaming smile before speaking, "Now you're healed enough. Do you want your present?"

Archer was intrigued but nodded, causing Tiamat to jump up while pulling him to his feet as she explained, "This is your soul form. Thanks to recovering my powers, I can take you to see someone who has missed you dearly." fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

After she spoke, they were enveloped in a bright violet light, then reappeared on a beach where the waves gently lapped at the sand. In the distance, he noticed a row of houses, along

with several restaurants and other shops.

He looked around only to have his eyes widen, "We're on Earth?"

Tiamat nodded before joining him, "Well, I'm here, but only your soul is right now."

"My body is back on Thrylos?"

"Yes. Once Lucrezia gives you the potion, you will be dragged back to it," Tiamat revealed. "So there's no need to worry, but we must change our appearances to avoid garnering everyone's attention."

Tiamat waved her hand, altering their appearances. The dragon goddess transformed into a stunning blonde with large blue eyes, while Archer retained his white hair, but his pointed ears became human, and his pale skin normalized.

Archer's jaw dropped when he saw Tiamat in a form-fitting summer dress accentuating her immense chest and slender waist. She smiled at his reaction, gently lifting his chin and kissing him again.

As they parted, he noticed Tiamat biting her bottom lip, emphasizing her soft chest pressing against him as she leaned forward. "I love how you look at me, but we're not quite there yet," she murmured seductively.

"I saw what you did for Brooke, and I might want the same after our date, my love," Tiamat whispered into his ear, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Archer's eyes opened, but he nodded in agreement as she took his arm and walked to a nearby road. He looked around and couldn't recognize the place they were in, but Tiamat soon explained, "We are in a place called Florida. Your family moved here after your death as it was too hard for them to stay in London."

He nodded understanding while glancing around, "Where do they live?"

"A small town called Rosemary Beach on the coast," Tiamat replied lovingly. "There's a

place nearby where you can absorb mana if and when needed."

Archer's eyebrows rose in confusion before he asked, "There's mana on Earth?"

Tiamat nodded, "In some spots, but Earth is what us gods called a Lost World; it used to be

like Thrylos, but over thousands of years, it died off, and there are pockets left scattered

around the world."

"Why are you telling me this?"

The dragon goddess shrugged, "It may be a tip for the future, handsome. Forget about it for

now, and let's get a burger."

Archer chuckled, glancing around until he spotted a burger van outside a bustling arcade about ten minutes away. He pointed it out and smiled, "We can get one over there, but there's

an issue. I have no money."

Tiamat chuckled as she winked at him and stepped back as a handbag appeared over her shoulder, causing Archer's eyes widened as she took out a pile of dollar bills with a knowing


He shook his head, "Why do you have that?"

"Well, I did pull your soul from here, so I have some rudimentary knowledge of Earth and know they use paper money," the dragon goddess explained with a smile.

The couple began walking toward the nearby road, quickly catching the locals' attention.

People couldn't help but stare at Tiamat, prompting Archer to smile and say, "Your human

disguise is definitely attracting attention."

Tiamat flashed an innocent smile. "Do tell?"

Archer glanced away, trying to hide his flustered expression. "Well, your luscious blonde hair

and big blue eyes are stunning, but it's your... uh, incredible figure that's really driving me
