A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 857: Toward The Legions

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Hecate's red eyes glowed, illuminating the area as she unleashed Moon Blasts on Archer's attackers. The spells annihilated them, and she went wild. She rushed forward to aid him, fiercely engaging a new group that appeared.

Archer and Hecate continued to fight the High Elves, who were slinging spells at them while most were attacked with swords or daggers. While this happened, the other girls woke up and rushed out to aid them.

A Sun Blast shot out of the bedroom and slammed into one of the assassins who would strike Archer. Then, a volley of mana arrows peppered several enemies, causing them to retreat.

Hemera and Talila joined the fight, followed by dozens of sun elf guards. A battle erupted on the balcony and courtyard below. Archer lunged at one of the high elves and bit into the man before casting Soul Sunder.

Archer ate the man's soul before he used the dead elves' body as a missile to take out the other invaders. After that, the assassins regrouped in the courtyard below, but when someone appeared in the center of them, they were shocked.

He spotted his Oma standing there with her arms crossed under her hefty chest. Archer smiled when she saw the older woman waving a hand, causing a green flame to wash out of her body and kill all the high elves.

Brooke looked around and huffed before approaching Archer with a love-filled smile. She pulled him into a hug but shoved his head into her cleavage while whispering words of love into his ear.

This caused a shiver to run down Archer's spine, but he melted into the softness of her flesh, and the smell of lavender rushed up his nose. Once Brooke arrived, she dealt with the High Elves before dragging him into the room.

Archer turned to Hemera, Hecate, and Talila, who laughed at him as the older woman gave them a motherly smile before entering the room and holding Archer's hand. He wouldn't complain, as his eyes were joined to her juicy behind, which wiggled with every step.

Brooke led him down a corridor until they came to an office, where she spoke, "The fortress commander gave me this room. It will be perfect for giving you a little boost for the upcoming fights."

His eyebrow raised when hearing this as he didn't want her to have sex with him only to boost his power, causing him to question, "Is that all you want me for?"

When Brooke heard this, a frown appeared, but she quickly explained, "No, you silly bot. You're my Little Light, my other half, and the man I will forever love," she said lovingly.

Archer smiled when he heard this before kissing the mature woman and casting Cosmic Shield and Timewrap. Once he did that, the two of them started making love until Brooke's leg was trembling due to the pleasure.

They made love for an hour until Archer was spent, and she was straddling his waist while staring down at him with a smile. Brooke leaned forward and kissed him while running her soft hands over his body.

He shivered when feeling this, but a knock at the door brought the two back to reality. Brooke jumped up while putting her armor back on while Archer got dressed while dismissing the Cosmic Shield.

Hemera rushed in before explaining, "Another horde is attacking the fortress while millions more are traveling south. I think they're targeting your army, Arch."

When Archer heard this, he sent a message to Nefertiti, Sera, Teuila, and Maeve, informing the group that more monsters were heading their way. They thanked him, but that's when the High Elves came to mind.

He asked Brooke, "Why would the Nightshade Empire target me?"

The older woman shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure, Little Light. Maybe it's because your kingdom is getting stronger, and they feel threatened. Or they may be in league with the Swarm. Who knows love."

Archer sighed and thought briefly before following Hemera to the walls where Talila and Hecate attacked the new horde. He spotted several Giants marching toward the wall with a look of determination on their horrible faces.

He kissed the two elves, unleashing their spells and arrows, felling dozens of monsters with each strike. Archer admired their formidable power before summoning his wings and ascending into the sky.

As he soared high above the battlefield, Archer swiftly transformed into his majestic dragon form. With a powerful descent, he plummeted towards the ground below and crashed into one of the Giants.

Archer started dragging his claws down the monster's body, causing a wave of blood to pour out and splash against the horde below. He quickly killed the Giant before moving on to the next one.

While attacking another, a giant red dragon appeared out of nowhere and swooped down. Archer scanned it due to the powerful aura radiated by the monster.

[Fire Dragon]

[Rank: Demi God]

[Level: 879]

He gulped, but that's when Brooke appeared next to the dragon and punched the monster, which sent it flying. Archer smiled when he saw the mature woman chase after the newcomer. Archer continued his battle with the Giants and scanned one of them.

[Mountain Giants]

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freёnovelkiss.com.

[Rank: Sovereign]

[Level: 650]

'Not that strong,' Archer mused. "This will be easy experience.'

While this was happening, the fortress unleashed everything, causing tsunamis of projectiles and spells that fell upon the horde of monsters. Hours passed as the battle died down, and piles of corpses littered the coastline and the surrounding grasslands.

Archer was still in his dragon form and summoned hundreds of Stone Men before ordering them to loot all the bodies. The stone constructs went around the battlefield, tearing out all the monster hearts.

Once doing that, he curled up and rested while watching over the grasslands. The Solarians rushed out and scouted the surrounding area. That's when he sensed Talila, Hecate, and Hemera alongside Brooke, who all sat down to get comfortable.

Unfazed, he grunted, eliciting laughter from the four women, though Hecate running her hand along one of his scales caused Archer to shiver. Seeing his response, they began to

pamper him.

Even in his formidable dragon form, every touch remained palpable to Archer, prompting him to relax and relish the attention. It took the Stone Men an hour to gather the hearts Archer

instantly consumed.

Once the task was complete, he informed the four women of his intention to purge Mediterra of the larger Swarm monsters. They eagerly agreed to accompany him with smiles as he flapped his massive wings, sending gusts of solid winds washing over the landscape.

Archer took off and started flying across Mediterra, burning any hordes he found. But to their surprise, they didn't see many, so he landed on a mountain. While resting, Brooke commented, "They're using the underground tunnels to travel; they are heading south

toward the legions."

He nodded before telling Archer that he was going to pick up the other girls. Archer took off again and flew north toward the Avalom Empire, where Leira and Mary were.

Following that, he soared through the skies, his wings slicing effortlessly through the cool, crisp air. Beneath him, the landscape stretched as far as the eyes could see; to Archer, it was a breathtaking beauty and stark reminder of recent conflict.

Once lush with vibrant greenery, the rolling hills and valleys now bore battle scars. Blackened patches marred the earth where fires had raged and shattered remnants of stone walls stood as silent witnesses to the violence that had swept through the land.

Despite the devastation, nature persevered. Though thinned and singed in places, forests still proudly displayed emerald foliage. Rivers meandered gracefully, their waters sparkling under the sun's gentle caress.

Wildflowers defiantly bloomed amidst the debris, adding splashes of color to the muted tones of war-torn fields. As Archer glided higher, he could see villages nestled among the hills, their rooftops bearing signs of repair.

Archer continued to fly until he passed over the Sunfire Mountains that spilled Mediterra from the central part of Pluoria. Soon, they would be at Sentinals Reach, where Sia hid due to the

Swarm running rampage across Avalon.

While flying, Brooke told him she would check something out and return when Kassandra, Demetra, and Lucrezia informed him they were back with the other girls after hunting. He smiled when he heard the Kraken girl's exotic accent, which sent a shiver down his spine.

Soon, they flew out of the wildlands below, and Archer sent Sia a message telling her to expect him. The dragonkin woman got excited before telling him she would be outside waiting for


Archer accelerated, quickly approaching the mountain pass where the fortress stood sentinel. Below, he discerned lingering monsters, prompting him to summon Stone Men with a directive to locate and eliminate the creatures.

After the four women dismounted, Archer descended to the ground, reverting to his humanoid form. As he completed his transformation, Archer observed Sia emerging from the fortress astride her formidable Dawnbreaker mount.

Upon her approach, the older woman dismounted swiftly and rushed into Archer's waiting arms, embracing him tightly with happiness. "It's so good to see you again finally, Arch. I've

missed you so much."

Archer smiled warmly upon hearing Sia's words and replied tenderly, eliciting a radiant smile from her. "I'm sorry I haven't come sooner; I keep getting distracted. But know that I do love

you, Sia, and I will do better."

Sia nodded understandingly, but her expression shifted to surprise when she glanced behind Archer and saw someone smirking. "Hello, my fellow sister. Small world, isn't it, little Silverthrone?" the woman said teasingly.

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