A Billion Dollar Exchange-Chapter 257: Im Yours

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257 I'm Yours

''So today, I'll be singing one of my favorites in my recent Album, 'Yours'''

At the mention of the song, the crowd erupted again, in another round of applause. Liling smiled brightly and the instruments started playing in the background.

Her eyes searched for Liu Wei in the audience, although it was a bit dark down there, she could make out his silhouette and she blushed a little, although she could not see him, she felt him smile too. Getting into the mood of the song, Liling closed her eyes briefly.

''I wear your winter coat

The one you love to wear

So I keep feeling close

To what's beyond compare

The moment's waking up

You catch me in your eyes

That beauty on my pillow

That holds me in the night

And I'll find my strength to untape my mouth

When I used to be afraid of the words

But with you I've learned just to let it out

Now my heart is ready to burst

Cause I, I Feel like I'm ready for love

And I…

I wanna be your everything and more

At this point Liling looked straight into Liu Wei's eyes as she sang the lines. She could feel him looking at her with the same intensity. It was as though they were the only ones in the theatre and no-one else was there.

And I know every day I say it,

But I just want you to be sure

That I...

Am Yours

And if I've been feeling heavy

Your take me from the dark

Your arms they keep me steady

So nothing can fall apart…

And I'll find my strength to untape mouth

When I used to be afraid of the words

But with you I've learned just to let it out

Now my heart is ready to burst

As I, I feel like I'm ready for love

And I, wanna be your everything and more

And I know every day I say it

But I just want you to be sure

That I …

Am Yours

That I …

Am Yours

Liling did not realize that she was teary already, it wasn't only her, a lot of others were crying already.

As soon as she finished, the whole crowd applauded and cheered. Liling waved and bowed a little, she glanced at Liu Wei and smiled, he felt him smiling but she couldn't see his expression.

After waving at them, Liling turned around to walk down back stage. She had not taken up to three steps, when the lighting which was concentrated on her, fell down on the spot she was just standing a while ago.

The cheers from the crowd froze instantly and Liling turned around, frightfully, her eyes widened in shock.

The lights had broken into several shards and the large piece of metal lay on the broken pieces of glass. Liling could not move, her feet stuck to a spot as she stared at the waste on the floor, if she had stood there a few seconds more that would have been on top of her.

She knew that scent, it was familiar, very familiar.

Liling fluttered her eyes open and there he was, standing in front of her, staring down at her with the most perfect sparkling eyes she had ever seen.

''Are you okay? ''

''Are you hurt anywhere? ''

Liu Wei held her face in his hands, and chest was rising and falling rapidly. His eyes were staring at her tensely; He immediately checked her whole body for any injuries and when he didn't find any, he sighed in relief.

''Liu Wei…''

Liling called. She was nearly blinded by the camera shots that were coming from the background.

Liu Wei did not realize what had just happened, until Liling called him.

He immediately looked at the audience, only to understand that everyone was taking pictures of them.

He looked away from them immediately, as though he had seen something insignificant.

''Are you hurt anywhere?''

He asked again. Liling, who was still shocked from what just happened, shook her head frantically.

Liu Wei kissed her forehead before pulling her into a hug. Liling could only hug him back, at that moment she refused to think of anything else.

As soon as Liu Wei hugged her, the whole place exploded in an uproar. Some of the people started rushing to the stage to take closer pictures, but security stopped them before they could reach any closer.

Liu Wei released Liling and held her hand as they walked backstage.

The people backstage_ her manager included, had rushed out when they heard something fall, only to see Liu Wei hugging Liling. f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

No, only to see Liu Wei, their frozen faced CEO, who didn't talk much and was always cold, hugging Liling, an upcoming singer, who just entered the music industry!!

They were frozen for good five minutes. No-one could say a word. They watched as he held her and walked out, not even glancing at them, as though they weren't there to begin with. 𝑓𝘳ℯ𝒆w𝘦𝘣𝙣𝘰ѵ𝘦𝚕.c𝗼𝓶

As though reporters had sensed what happened, they crowded the exit, taking pictures and videos even before Liu Wei and Liling appeared. Everyone had forgotten about the initial falling of the lights which was expected to be the main point of interest.

As soon as Liu Wei appeared with Liling, the securities immediately tried pushing the reporters back to make way for them, but that didn't stop them from taking pictures.

As soon as Liling was safely seated in Liu Wei's car, he entered and drove off immediately.

The reporters could only chase but not for very long.

''WOW, LOOK AT THAT!? I was nearly blinded, is that how being famous feels? ''

Liling turned to look at Liu Wei with an excited grin. Liu Wei was surprised.

He had expected her to scream at him for walking up the stage and exposing their relationship but here she was looking excited.

''You, you are not annoyed? ''

Liling's brows creased.

''Why? '' She asked, looking surprised.

''You said, you didn't want our relationship to be public... ''


Liling completed, grinning happily.