A Billion Dollar Exchange-Chapter 253: I dont know this man

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253 I don't know this man

Thankfully there were just two support homes. He checked the location and drove immediately to the one nearest to the hospital, although about 100 kilometers away.

As he approached, his heart banged frantically against his chest. He could not even imagine what he would do when he saw her.

Should he just run and hug her and weep?

Or should he kneel and cry till she forgives him?

Thousands of thoughts flowed through his mind as he walked towards the building.

Inside the lobby, there was a lady at the receptionist table, he walked up to her and greeted.

''Good day sir, how may I help you? ''

''I'm looking for someone; I want to know if she is registered in this support home. ''

''Name please? ''

''Xin Yong ''

''Wait a minute. ''

The lady checked on her system and after a few seconds, she turned to look at Jin Yue with a smile.

''Yes she is, she is inside now. Do you want to see her?''

Badonk? Badonk

Jin Yue could feel his heart thumping tensely against his heart; he took in a deep breath.

''ye.. yes, I want to see her. ''

''A minute please…''

The lady stood up and walked into an adjourning door.

''So I wrote this song yesterday night before I slept, I would have sang it but I'm not with my violin. ''

Xin Yong said, smiling sweetly at the others.

''You can sing that way, who cares about a violin? ''

The rest of the group laughed,

''Okay, okay, I'll sing because today is my last day, but with a violin I sound better, it covers the crooks in my voice.''

Xin Yong smiled and cleared her voice.

'I'm getting tired of the wait,

I'm getting tired of standing by the window for you

If you aren't coming, please tell me, f𝓇𝘦ℯ𝙬𝑒𝐛n𝐨νe𝙡.c𝑜𝗺

I don't know how long I can hold on…' ƒr𝙚𝙚𝘸e𝚋𝐧૦ѵ𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝒐m

''Miss Xi, there is someone here to see you. ''

Everyone turned to look at the door,

The receptionist was standing there with a smile. Xin Yong immediately excused herself.

She wondered who had come to see her. She told her parents she was coming back the next day, so there was no way they would come there. Or did they want to surprise her?

Xin Yong pursed her lips and she strode to where the lady was standing.

''Who is that?''

She asked, creasing her brows.

''I don't know, but he's very handsome. ''

Her steps paused immediately.

''A He? '

''Yea. ''

She knew only two He's who could look for her, it was either Liu Wei or her dad. And if it was Liu Wei, he would come together with Liling.

''Is he alone? ''

''Yes. ''

Xin Yong couldn't move her feet. She did not want to believe the thought that was coming to her mind.

No, he had better things to do than to come all the way to Sanji. Maybe it was childhood friend or someone from school. Xin Yong quickly pushed him to the back of her mind; he was really the last person she was expecting to come find her.

She immediately followed the lady to the lobby. The woman stepped in and she followed right after.




His back was facing her, but she knew him too well to recognize his back view as soon as she saw it. When he heard the door open, he turned to look at her and their eyes met.

If anything could be more painful. Xin Yong stood rooted on the spot, staring at him. He stood rooted on the spot, staring back at her.

She did not speak

He did not speak

The receptionist was confused.

He looked thinner than the last time she saw him_ when he walked out that door, after telling her to leave.

He had bags below his eyes which were very rare, even when he did not sleep, he rarely had bags.

Apart from that, there was no much difference in his physique.

Jin Yue could not explain how he felt at that moment when she walked through those doors.

He had thought of a thousand different things to tell her when he saw her but now she was in front of him, his tongue could not move.

She was quite thin, and she had cut her hair, it had grown but it was barely reaching her neck.

Nothing much had changed from her body except… except the way she looked at him.

It was different, different from before.

The sparkle was no longer there, that want, that longing… it was gone.

Jin Yue wanted to speak but his throat was so dry, he couldn't form the words.

''Do you know him? ''

The receptionist finally asked, she watched as they both stared at each other as though something was wrong,

Xin Yong shifted her eyes from Jin Yue to the receptionist nonchalantly, as though she had seen something that was highly insignificant.

''No, I don't know this man. You got the wrong person.''

She smiled at her and without wasting an extra second, turned around and walked back through the door she had come out from.

Jin Yue stood rooted on the spot, unable to speak.

He never imagined that the first thing he was going to hear her say when he saw her again was that she did not know him.

''Sir, that is the only Xin Yong we have in our records, maybe you should check elsewhere. ''

The receptionist said, pulling Jin Yue back from his thoughts.

Jin Yue blinked and forced a smile on. he thanked the receptionist, who was staring at him pitifully, and turned to leave.

He dragged himself out of the building and to his car. The distance from the building to his car was barely three minutes, but Jin Yue felt that that was the longest walk of his life.