6 Times a Day-Chapter 1226 - 1220 [3K words]
Chapter 1226 -1220 [3K words]
When Alan came to, he looked around and saw Glory sitting up on the bed, propped up on some throw pillows. She was bedraggled and sweaty but more beautiful than ever before, at least in his eyes right then.
She saw he was awake, smiled at him, and said in the most casual, off-hand tone of voice she could muster, "That was nice." She couldn't help but smile at her deliberate understatement. "Ready to do it again?"
He chuckled only a little, even though he found that hilarious, because he was too exhausted to laugh. "Cute," he finally said. He contemplated raising a hand to wipe the sweat off his face but decided he didn't have the energy to do it.
She raised an eyebrow enigmatically and smiled.
He just looked at her. Technically speaking, she wasn't looking her best, especially with the way her hair was mussed up in every direction. But he liked seeing her this way, and especially liked the just-fucked rosy glow on her face. After a couple more minutes, he recovered enough to sit up and say, "Glory, I love your 'morning after' look."
"Yeah, right," she quipped. "Truthfully, I look as if I've been ridden hard and put away wet, but after that monster fuck I figured that I needed to rest and recuperate AAAAAALLLL the way," she joked.
Alan smiled weakly. "After what we just did, I'm sure I look just as bad."
"You do," she replied, grinning. "But it's kind of hot." She got up, ruffled his already disheveled hair, then kissed him on the cheek. "Be right back," she said, disappearing into the bathroom. She was in there quite a while before she came back to bed and lay down next to him.
He asked her, "What took you so long?"
"Just douching." Seeing a rising panic on his face, she was quick to add, "And don't worry. I'm still on the pill, as you know. It's just that after a royal fucking like that, I feel better to take extra precautions. Call me superstitious, but I think extra special fucks like that are usually the ones that lead to babies. You fucked me so good and filled me up so much that if I tilt my head, cum is gonna pour out of my ear."
He found himself getting mentally aroused again at that thought of making her pregnant, even though his penis remained completely limp. That would be so very wrong, having my teacher waddle around with a big belly. By the end of the school year she'd be seriously showing and everyone would know that she's carrying my child. Our child.
I could just picture Heather staring at Glory, grinding her teeth as the smoke poured out of her ears. Glory would give her a lecture right in the front of all her students. "Now, class, we can learn an important lesson from Heather here, so listen up. Sure, you can dress like a slut all the time and get a boob job and a deep tan and practice your Kegel exercises all day long until you're super hot in the sack. Then maybe if you're lucky and you have good genes the class stud will give you a poke every now and then. But that doesn't mean that he loves you. That doesn't mean that he'll let you have his baby."
"Let me tell you about the fun I've had with Alan Junior making this Alan Junior that's growing inside me! Hee-hee! Don't you wish your tanned and toned stomach was all swollen up like mine? But the poetic justice, Heather, is that now my breasts are nearly as big as yours, except without all the silicone. Oh, and enjoy your lunch, girl. I'll bet you that you won't be enjoying it as much as Alan and I will be enjoying ours, though."
Oh man! I'd just love to see Heather's face as Glory rubs her bulging tummy with profound contentment after telling her that! Hee-hee-hee...
Good God, what am I thinking? I think Sis must be slowly poisoning my mind with all her pregnancy talk. Cancel that daydream. Sheesh!
He brushed such thoughts aside as crazy ravings and merely said to her, "Yeah, that was pretty intense, wasn't it?"
"I don't have to tell you how good that was, lover. Can I call you that?"
"Of course. I really like it."
"Good. 'Cos I'm feeling so close to you right now. I don't know how you did it. I told you just how you should fuck me, and that's exactly what you did. Except for that one time you started to get wimpy on me and I had to take charge." She shot him a lopsided grin.
"Hey, well, you surprised me too. I can't believe you really wanted it THAT hard. I figured I shouldn't believe the BS coming from BS Babe."
Glory snorted in amusement. "Hey, that's Body Slam Babe to you. And I can body slam you right now to prove it."
Now he snorted. "Yeah, right. If you're as pooped as I am, I'll bet you can't even manage a hand slam." He raised a hand and dropped it onto her stomach.
She did the same to him while giggling, and somehow that led to them holding hands as they made a "hand slam" truce.
They were content to just lay there, basking in the love of the other, until he asked, "So, do you really like it that hard? Or was that a fiendish plot to kill me?"
She admitted, seriously, "Well, not all the time, or even very often, but once in a while it's good to be fucked to within an inch of my life to remind me just who owns my body and my soul."
Wow! he thought. She's sounding like a Susan or a Brenda all of a sudden. That's so startlingly sexy and powerful, coming from her.
He sat up a bit more and cupped her chin with one of his hands. "Glory, lover, you know I love you. And my love for the others in no way lessens that. I just want you to know that I mean that from the bottom of my soul."
She stared intensely into his eyes. "I know, love, I know. I love you too. Too much! It's pointless for me to fight it or deny it."
He let go of her chin and slumped back on the bed. "So where do we go from here? We still have all these problems. Your job. The other women. Incest."
She said, "I know. I've been thinking of nothing else since I woke up. But I've come up with an answer: the beach."
"The beach? What do you mean?"
She held his other hand. "I mean, the afternoon is still young, and you and I have a lot more reconnecting to do, both with our heads and our groins. I know I've only been gone from you a matter of days, but emotionally it seems so long. So we're gonna go to the beach. I want to show you my 'Surfer Girl' side. The only thing that can make me feel any better is if I ride a fuckin' ten foot wave, a fuckin' perfect tube! Then I can die with a smile on my face and I don't have to worry about the 'problems.""
"Okay, the beach it is. I have some role-plays I need to get out of my system. Could something crazy like that happen on a beach?"
She grinned from ear to ear. "That could be arranged, especially considering the beach I want to show you." But to herself, she wondered, Speaking of body slams, I don't know if my pussy could take any more today after all the hard slamming he gave me there. But on the other hand, there's lots of other fun things we can do to each other.
He wondered where he'd find any more energy, but figured he'd be better after the nap that was already starting to overtake him. "But let's make the wild assumption that you don't die in the next few hours. What do we do about these other issues?"
"Well, I've been thinking. The incest, believe it or not, I can handle that. I saw so much heartfelt and deep love in your family that I don't mind so much. Not that I approve in the slightest, mind you. But as long as I don't have to see it with my own eyes or hear about it, I'm good. We can have our own 'don't ask, don't tell' policy."
This chapt𝙚r is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.
"Okay. Works for me. And the other?"
"Well, as far as my job goes, I'm thinking we'll need to meet in school a lot less often and out
of school a lot more often. I know Suzanne is keen to see you and me get together so I can help her give you backbone, like we were talking about earlier, so I'm thinking we can work out some after-school tutoring sessions. You finish your homework, and only then do we get to
He quipped, "So you give me backbone, and I give you bone."
She grinned, and then shivered with excitement as she thought about Suzanne's pale and curvy Amazon body again. "To put it crudely, yes. But as you can see, I have a pretty fuckin' dirty mouth once I let my guard down, so let me rephrase: fuck yeah!"
"Okay, cool. I fuckin' agree. So that problem at least is better, even though the danger of you getting fired still lurks." He thought especially about the likelihood of more Heather- inspired scheming, but decided that now was not the time to mention "the Evil One." Instead, he asked, "But what about the whole harem issue?"
"Ah. There's the rub. I can't find any good solution to that. Now that I've seen them in the flesh as a group I know it would be insanity to try to get in the way between you and the likes of Suzanne or Susan. They'd probably rip me to shreds if I even tried. I think the best we can do, again, is just a sort of 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. And don't come waltzing into my classroom at the end of lunch and tell me how good you just nailed Heather or one of her floozy friends if you plan on waltzing back out with all of your body parts still firmly attached. Is that completely clear, young man?"
"Yes, ma'am." Feeling cheeky, he asked with mock innocence, "So I take it a bisexual romp with you, me, and the über-bitch is out of the question?"
She clenched her teeth, but then laughed loudly when she realized he was just teasing. She
said, "You're one lucky son of a bitch. If I had the strength to even lift my arm, you'd find out
just what a 'bitch-slap' is all about."
He grinned. "So I'll mark you as undecided for now, then."
She turned serious. "Okay, you've had your fun, but please don't even joke about that. The
mere mention of her name ruins my mood."
"Sorry. Seriously. I just couldn't resist."
She quipped, but with bitterness, "That seems to be your problem with women in general." But she immediately said, "Sorry. I didn't mean to be like that. Let me try again." She sat there thinking for some long moments and her face grew sad. "But here's the tough part. That arrangement I just suggested may work for a while, but I don't think it can ultimately last. I'm thinking that we just have to enjoy these next six months or so, until the school year is over, and reevaluate from there. The odds are very good that you'll be going to college somewhere far from me and that circumstances will pull us apart. And if that happens, maybe it'll be for the best and make the breakup less painful."
"No buts! If you're planning something else, don't tell me, 'cos this is the only way I can justify my foolishness. And even if you do go, I'm running the risk that I will become so attached to you that I'll follow you around to the ends of the Earth like the gibbering idiot you
just made me."
They both grinned a little at that, and then she continued, "I hope not, because I so very much
want to meet a nice, normal guy, have a nice, normal marriage, and then have two point five kids and the white picket fence dream. It's corny and boring sounding, I know, but it works for me. But who knows? We'll just have to play it by ear, day by day. Six months is an eternity. Look how much you've changed these last two months. Heck, in another two months you'll probably be living in a giant sultan's palace with fifty wives all naked and in chains." "That's the plan," he joked.
She just rolled her eyes. Then she grew serious. "Alan, my love, the one thing I ask is please
don't play with my emotions. Don't play me for a fool. If we were to break up, it can't possibly be as big a deal to you as it would be to me. You've got fallback options, big busty women to ease your heartbreak. All I have is you now. I'm putting my heart in your hands."
"I understand that. The thing is, I've never really been in a serious relationship before. I'm
new to all this stuff. But I'll try my very best. I promise."
"Hold me!" she suddenly cried.
And despite the fact that both of them were still in bed and completely naked, that was all
they did as they held each other in an emotional embrace. In truth, had they had more energy it would have been a good time for them to reaffirm their connection with more sex. But both of them were so completely wiped out that more sex was the last thing on their minds. Before long, sleep started to overtake both of them at the same time.
As she started to drift off, she thought, I must be the biggest fuckin' idiot in the history of the planet. I know my six month plan is only going to lead to greater heartbreak down the road, but what else can I do? I love him so much! It's not just the fantastic sex we have together, it's everything about
In fact, the greatest thing about the sex we just had wasn't the fact that I just had the biggest multiple orgasm of my life; it's that he tried so hard to please me. Maybe these next six months will be the highlight of my life and everything will be a hollow shell after that. Frankly, I don't know how I'll ever be "normal" again and see my way to my cherished white picket fence dream after I've been on the Alan roller coaster ride. But I have to try. Joining the harem and living a life of shame is simply not an option. For now, I'm just gonna live life to the fullest, day by day, and screw the future.
And as he started to slip into sleep, he thought, Man, I never expected THAT! This is yet another
dream come true. How is it that so many things are going so right for me? I don't know what I'd do without her; she's like my compass. She IS my backbone, maybe even more so than Suzanne is. Whenever I have a tough decision, in the back of my head there's always that thought, "What would Glory think about this?" We're gonna have so many good times! Six whole months! Wow! Minimum. Maybe I'm a greedy bastard, but I don't ever want to let her go. If only she could join the
harem, then everything would be totally perfect. She's one of the five women I love the most, even more so than Brenda or Christine.
Well, I'll have to just take what I can get for now, and see how things go. I'll just have to show her all
my love so that in six months she'll realize we need to be together no matter what, with her as part of the harem or not. Whatever it takes, as long as we can stay together. True love conquers all. Both of them fell asleep cuddled together with contented smiles on their faces.
I am Translating a New Fanfic, "One Piece: Sovereign of the Seas and Hearts" which also contains +18 content. It already has some chapters translated by others in this site [Webnovel], but was dropped. I am rewriting from the ground up f=and remove CH content and include +18 and Smut scenes in them. Try it. Definitely will be worth it. Will Upload Soon.